This is a small Python module to decode raw H.264 packets with external avcC extra data (ISO/IEC 14496:15).
It wraps ffmpeg's libavcodec and returns YUV420p frames, with the lineskip being the actual width of each frame.
This module is currently only tested with Python 2.7. You'll need ffmpeg (tested with 2.4.2) or libav with H.264 support installed.
$ python build
$ sudo python install
$ pydoc h264decode
import h264decode
decoder = h264decode.Decoder(avccPacket)
for frame in frameGenerator:
yuv = decoder.decodeFrame(frame)
print "Read frame of %dx%d pixels" % (yuv.width, yuv.height)
# e.g. rendering with pygame:
overlay.display((yuv.y, yuv.u, yuv.v))
Code is under the BSD 2 Clause (NetBSD) license.