A markdown-based SAAS collaboration and information exchange platform that allows users to create and share wikis with the world community!
Create a basic user scheme for a Ruby on Rails application.
Give the users of the application the ability to sign up using the Devise gem.
Create CRUD routes and resources in a Rails Application.
Integrate Stripe third party API callouts.
Integrate Redcarpet Markdown rendering gem.
- offer three user roles: admin, standard(free), premium(upgrade)
- allow users to sign-up for a free account
- allow users to sign-in and sign-out
- allow users with a standard account to create, view, edit, and delete their public wikis
- edit wikis using markdown
- allow users to upgrade from a free to a paid plan : NOTE The transactions are demos.
- allow premium users to create private wikis
- allow premium users to add and remove collaborators for my private wikis
Public wikis are visible without an account, but you must sign up to create wikis. Sign up and confirm your account via email.
Sign up and confirm your account via email.
Login with your credentials.
You will be presented with the wikis index page.
Your username will be presented in the upper-right corner with navigation options: Go Premium, Edit Profile, Sign Out. Go Premium becomes Standard when the account is upgraded and vice versa when downgraded.
Click on a wiki to to see more details. A new button will populates on the index page after sign in. Use it to quickly create a public wiki.
mockpedia link takes you to your wikis page. You can create and view wikis from here as well.
Click one of your wikis to see details. There will be options to edit, delete, etc…
Click Wikis link or wikis button from any page to return to the wikis index page.
Click Go Premium to upgrade.
Click Pay with card Enter details.
Click Pay Your wikis are now private. You also have the ability to add unlimited collaborators.
Click Standard to downgrade from premium.
- Ruby version 2.3.8
- Ruby on Rails 4.2.5
- Bootstrap
- SQLite (Test, Development)
- PostgreSQL (Production)
- Devise for user authentication
- Pundit for authorization
- Redcarpet for Markdown
- SendGrid for email confirmation
- Stripe for payments
- Figaro for secure configuration
- Faker for seeding data
Figaro creates a config/application.yml file, which sets up and stores environment variables, and adds it into your .gitignore file. The config/application.example.yml file demonstrates the appropriate way to store environment variables.
Run mockpedia locally:
- Clone the repository
- Run bundle install
- Create the SQLite database with rake db:create
- Migrate the SQLite database with rake db:migrate
- Start the server using rails server
- Run the app on localhost:3000
Made by: Tyrant Davis