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Fit a fiber on a single cache line #2473

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Fit a fiber on a single cache line #2473

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This is not production ready. And is also probably not the best combination of fields to achieve 64 bytes of IOFiber object footprint.

  1. I was examining bytecode and came across the following:
    private[this] val fields which are inside the class body generate a bitmap$init volatile field. I don't exactly know why. However, it can be circumvented (on all Scala versions) by putting the same private[this] val fields inside the primary constructor for the class. Thus, the series/3.x bytecode looks like the following:
private volatile int bitmap$init$0;

public cats.effect.IOFiber(scala.collection.immutable.Map<cats.effect.IOLocal<?>, java.lang.Object>, scala.Function1<cats.effect.kernel.Outcome<cats.effect.IO, java.lang.Throwable, A>, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit>, cats.effect.IO<A>, scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext, cats.effect.unsafe.IORuntime);
    0: aload_0
    1: aload         5
    3: putfield      #255                // Field runtime:Lcats/effect/unsafe/IORuntime;
    6: aload_0
    7: invokespecial #1193               // Method cats/effect/IOFiberPlatform."<init>":()V
    10: aload_0
    11: invokestatic  #1197               // InterfaceMethod cats/effect/kernel/Fiber.$init$:(Lcats/effect/kernel/Fiber;)V
    14: aload_0
    15: new           #401                // class cats/effect/ArrayStack
    18: dup
    19: invokespecial #1198               // Method cats/effect/ArrayStack."<init>":()V
    22: putfield      #399                // Field objectState:Lcats/effect/ArrayStack;
    25: aload_0
    26: aload_0
    27: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    30: iconst_1
    31: ior
    32: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    35: aload_0
    36: aload         4
    38: putfield      #265                // Field currentCtx:Lscala/concurrent/ExecutionContext;
    41: aload_0
    42: aload_0
    43: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    46: iconst_2
    47: ior
    48: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    51: aload_0
    52: iconst_0
    53: putfield      #465                // Field canceled:Z
    56: aload_0
    57: aload_0
    58: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    61: iconst_4
    62: ior
    63: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    66: aload_0
    67: iconst_0
    68: putfield      #480                // Field masks:I
    71: aload_0
    72: aload_0
    73: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    76: bipush        8
    78: ior
    79: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    82: aload_0
    83: iconst_0
    84: putfield      #502                // Field finalizing:Z
    87: aload_0
    88: aload_0
    89: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    92: bipush        16
    94: ior
    95: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    98: aload_0
    99: new           #401                // class cats/effect/ArrayStack
    102: dup
    103: invokespecial #1198               // Method cats/effect/ArrayStack."<init>":()V
    106: putfield      #470                // Field finalizers:Lcats/effect/ArrayStack;
    109: aload_0
    110: aload_0
    111: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    114: bipush        32
    116: ior
    117: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    120: aload_0
    121: new           #753                // class cats/effect/CallbackStack
    124: dup
    125: aload_2
    126: invokespecial #1201               // Method cats/effect/CallbackStack."<init>":(Lscala/Function1;)V
    129: putfield      #751                // Field callbacks:Lcats/effect/CallbackStack;
    132: aload_0
    133: aload_0
    134: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    137: bipush        64
    139: ior
    140: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    143: aload_0
    144: aload_1
    145: putfield      #610                // Field localState:Lscala/collection/immutable/Map;
    148: aload_0
    149: aload_0
    150: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    153: sipush        128
    156: ior
    157: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    160: aload_0
    161: iconst_0
    162: putfield      #180                // Field resumeTag:B
    165: aload_0
    166: aload_0
    167: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    170: sipush        256
    173: ior
    174: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    177: aload_0
    178: aload_3
    179: putfield      #263                // Field resumeIO:Lcats/effect/IO;
    182: aload_0
    183: aload_0
    184: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    187: sipush        512
    190: ior
    191: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    194: aload_0
    195: getstatic     #652                // Field cats/effect/IOFiber$.MODULE$:Lcats/effect/IOFiber$;
    198: invokevirtual #1204               // Method cats/effect/IOFiber$.RightUnit:()Lscala/util/Right;
    201: putfield      #782                // Field RightUnit:Lscala/util/Either;
    204: aload_0
    205: aload_0
    206: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    209: sipush        1024
    212: ior
    213: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    216: aload_0
    217: getstatic     #1206               // Field cats/effect/IO$EndFiber$.MODULE$:Lcats/effect/IO$EndFiber$;
    220: putfield      #253                // Field IOEndFiber:Lcats/effect/IO$EndFiber$;
    223: aload_0
    224: aload_0
    225: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    228: sipush        2048
    231: ior
    232: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    235: aload_0
    236: getstatic     #1211               // Field cats/effect/tracing/RingBuffer$.MODULE$:Lcats/effect/tracing/RingBuffer$;
    239: aload         5
    241: invokevirtual #1214               // Method cats/effect/unsafe/IORuntime.traceBufferLogSize:()I
    244: invokevirtual #1218               // Method cats/effect/tracing/RingBuffer$.empty:(I)Lcats/effect/tracing/RingBuffer;
    247: putfield      #447                // Field tracingEvents:Lcats/effect/tracing/RingBuffer;
    250: aload_0
    251: aload_0
    252: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    255: sipush        4096
    258: ior
    259: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    262: aload_0
    263: getstatic     #533                // Field cats/effect/IO$.MODULE$:Lcats/effect/IO$;
    266: aload_0
    267: invokedynamic #1224,  0           // InvokeDynamic #19:apply:(Lcats/effect/IOFiber;)Lscala/Function1;
    272: invokevirtual #1227               // Method cats/effect/IO$.uncancelable:(Lscala/Function1;)Lcats/effect/IO;
    275: putfield      #225                // Field cancel:Lcats/effect/IO;
    278: aload_0
    279: aload_0
    280: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    283: sipush        8192
    286: ior
    287: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    290: aload_0
    291: getstatic     #533                // Field cats/effect/IO$.MODULE$:Lcats/effect/IO$;
    294: aload_0
    295: invokedynamic #1231,  0           // InvokeDynamic #20:apply:(Lcats/effect/IOFiber;)Lscala/Function1;
    300: invokevirtual #629                // Method cats/effect/IO$.async:(Lscala/Function1;)Lcats/effect/IO;
    303: putfield      #239                // Field join:Lcats/effect/IO;
    306: aload_0
    307: aload_0
    308: getfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    311: sipush        16384
    314: ior
    315: putfield      #223                // Field bitmap$init$0:I
    318: return

while, the code in this PR looks like the following:

public cats.effect.IOFiber(int[], cats.effect.ArrayStack<java.lang.Object>, scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext, int, boolean, boolean, byte, cats.effect.IO<java.lang.Object>, cats.effect.ArrayStack<cats.effect.IO<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit>>, cats.effect.CallbackStack<A>, scala.collection.immutable.Map<cats.effect.IOLocal<?>, java.lang.Object>, cats.effect.tracing.RingBuffer, cats.effect.unsafe.IORuntime);
      0: aload_0
      1: aload_1
      2: putfield      #427                // Field conts:[I
      5: aload_0
      6: aload_2
      7: putfield      #415                // Field objectState:Lcats/effect/ArrayStack;
    10: aload_0
    11: aload_3
    12: putfield      #285                // Field currentCtx:Lscala/concurrent/ExecutionContext;
    15: aload_0
    16: iload         4
    18: putfield      #496                // Field masks:I
    21: aload_0
    22: iload         5
    24: putfield      #481                // Field canceled:Z
    27: aload_0
    28: iload         6
    30: putfield      #518                // Field finalizing:Z
    33: aload_0
    34: iload         7
    36: putfield      #170                // Field resumeTag:B
    39: aload_0
    40: aload         8
    42: putfield      #283                // Field resumeIO:Lcats/effect/IO;
    45: aload_0
    46: aload         9
    48: putfield      #486                // Field finalizers:Lcats/effect/ArrayStack;
    51: aload_0
    52: aload         10
    54: putfield      #737                // Field callbacks:Lcats/effect/CallbackStack;
    57: aload_0
    58: aload         11
    60: putfield      #609                // Field localState:Lscala/collection/immutable/Map;
    63: aload_0
    64: aload         12
    66: putfield      #463                // Field tracingEvents:Lcats/effect/tracing/RingBuffer;
    69: aload_0
    70: aload         13
    72: putfield      #275                // Field runtime:Lcats/effect/unsafe/IORuntime;
    75: aload_0
    76: invokespecial #1176               // Method cats/effect/IOFiberPlatform."<init>":()V
    79: aload_0
    80: invokestatic  #1180               // InterfaceMethod cats/effect/kernel/Fiber.$init$:(Lcats/effect/kernel/Fiber;)V
    83: return

In other words, much less code in the constructor, and more importantly no writes to a volatile field. This is immediately noticeable in AsyncBenchmark.start


Benchmark             (size)   Mode  Cnt     Score    Error  Units
AsyncBenchmark.start     100  thrpt   20  7401.313 ± 73.121  ops/s

This PR:

Benchmark             (size)   Mode  Cnt     Score     Error  Units
AsyncBenchmark.start     100  thrpt   20  8567.092 ± 193.809  ops/s
  1. Fibers now fit on a single cache line* (I think it's fair to not count the stacks, as they are necessarily on a different cache line due to how the JVM treats objects and arrays). Proof:
cats.effect.IOFiber object internals:
OFF  SZ                                TYPE DESCRIPTION               VALUE
  0   8                                     (object header: mark)     N/A
  8   4                                     (object header: class)    N/A
 12   4                                 int AtomicBoolean.value       N/A
 16   4                                 int IOFiber.masks             N/A
 20   1                             boolean IOFiber.canceled          N/A
 21   1                             boolean IOFiber.finalizing        N/A
 22   1                                byte IOFiber.resumeTag         N/A
 23   1                                     (alignment/padding gap)   
 24   4                               int[] IOFiber.conts             N/A
 28   4              cats.effect.ArrayStack IOFiber.objectState       N/A
 32   4   scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext IOFiber.currentCtx        N/A
 36   4                      cats.effect.IO IOFiber.resumeIO          N/A
 40   4              cats.effect.ArrayStack IOFiber.finalizers        N/A
 44   4           cats.effect.CallbackStack IOFiber.callbacks         N/A
 48   4      scala.collection.immutable.Map IOFiber.localState        N/A
 52   4      cats.effect.tracing.RingBuffer IOFiber.tracingEvents     N/A
 56   4        cats.effect.unsafe.IORuntime IOFiber.runtime           N/A
 60   4          cats.effect.kernel.Outcome IOFiber.outcome           N/A
Instance size: 64 bytes
Space losses: 1 bytes internal + 0 bytes external = 1 bytes total

Here are the comparative benchmarks:


Benchmark                                  Mode  Cnt      Score    Error    Units
Benchmarks.catsEffect3Alloc               thrpt   20      4.493 ±  0.235  ops/min
Benchmarks.catsEffect3DeepBind            thrpt   20  16892.459 ± 37.020    ops/s
Benchmarks.catsEffect3EnqueueDequeue      thrpt   20    456.915 ±  2.558    ops/s
Benchmarks.catsEffect3RuntimeChainedFork  thrpt   20   3364.922 ± 55.158    ops/s
Benchmarks.catsEffect3RuntimeForkMany     thrpt   20    384.342 ±  2.905    ops/s
Benchmarks.catsEffect3RuntimePingPong     thrpt   20    949.036 ± 14.659    ops/s
Benchmarks.catsEffect3RuntimeYieldMany    thrpt   20    243.165 ± 99.287    ops/s
Benchmarks.catsEffect3Scheduling          thrpt   20     12.524 ±  0.567  ops/min

This PR:

Benchmark                                  Mode  Cnt      Score    Error    Units
Benchmarks.catsEffect3Alloc               thrpt   20      4.179 ±  0.067  ops/min
Benchmarks.catsEffect3DeepBind            thrpt   20  16459.395 ± 64.451    ops/s
Benchmarks.catsEffect3EnqueueDequeue      thrpt   20    440.580 ± 13.961    ops/s
Benchmarks.catsEffect3RuntimeChainedFork  thrpt   20   6853.426 ± 46.470    ops/s
Benchmarks.catsEffect3RuntimeForkMany     thrpt   20    743.996 ±  4.290    ops/s
Benchmarks.catsEffect3RuntimePingPong     thrpt   20    940.144 ± 15.750    ops/s
Benchmarks.catsEffect3RuntimeYieldMany    thrpt   20    284.461 ± 22.554    ops/s
Benchmarks.catsEffect3Scheduling          thrpt   20     12.814 ±  0.402  ops/min

The benchmarks were run using the following snapshot:

"io.vasilev" %% "cats-effect" % "3.3-399-71c3d2d"

I think there is something to this approach and we should pursue it more aggressively. I would really love to see the constructor changes merged. I will split that part out in a separate PR in the next few days.

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🤩 really amazing to watch this series of PRs ... also I might just switch to io.vasilev bootleg for all my typelevel needs 😉

Just a question: to achieve that 64 byte fiber size, you are (effectively) assuming the CompressedOops optimization right?

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Yes, it's on by default since JDK 6 I believe. It's guaranteed for heaps up to 32 Gb in size, and I believe there's support for larger heaps, but don't quote me on that.

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Yes I think you can fiddle with the object alignment, but YMMV. Maybe it's worth it for up to 64 GB or something, idk.

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