Magento2 module delivery time for products.
- PHP >= 7.1
- Magento >= 2.3
composer require greenrivers/delivery-time php bin/magento module:enable Greenrivers_DeliveryTime php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:di:compile php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
General->Enabled - module activation
Backend->Date unit - select date unit
Backend->Slider min scale - min slider value
Backend->Slider max scale - max slider value
Backend->Slider step scale - slider step
Frontend->Label - delivery time label
Frontend->Sorting - add delivery time to sorting options
Frontend->Filters - add delivery time to filter options
Frontend->Visible on - choose on which pages delivery time should show
- Simple product
In Delivery Time tab select type on radiobox set.
Next set up value on slider.
- Configurable product
Apply to simple products - select if You want to apply delivery time to all children products
Apply from simple products - select if You want to choose delivery time from one of children products
Sort option works for Magento version 2.3.* with disabled Elasticsearch.
Sort option not available for Magento version 2.4.*.