- /place - Input place.
- /update - Update weather of current place.
- /current_place - Output current place.
- /help - Output help message.
- /cancel - Cancel action.
Before start python script need open config.py and enter your telegram bot and AccuWeather tokens.
telegram_key = "xxx" #your telegram bot token weather_key = "xxx" #your AccuWeather token
Selection format for saving users data is implemented. For selection format (default format is yaml) is need open file tbweather.py and correct 6 and 34 line in this file.
- For saving users data in json format :
6 | from Database import JSON | ... 34| db = JSON(path = "users.json", indent = 4)
- For saving users data in csv format :
6 | from Database import CSV | ... 34| db = CSV(path = "users.csv", delimiter = ";")
- For saving users data in yaml format :
6 | from Database import YAML | ... 34| db = YAML(path = "users.yaml", indent = 2)
Startup telegram weather bot pyhton script is implemented by bash script start.sh.
Commands for first start python script :
~/repository_directory/start.sh -i
~/repository_directory/start.sh --install
This commands is install telegram weather bot requirements and run python script.
- Commands for run telegram weather bot python script without installing requirements :
~/repository_directory/start.sh -r
~/repository_directory/start.sh --run
- Commands for output help message of bash script start.sh :
~/repository_directory/start.sh -h
~/repository_directory/start.sh --help