Simple demo and development projet for the browsercast extension (in its own repository).
There are a few available demo to watch:
echo "deck.browsercast.js is a deck.js extension. It can replay a pre-recorded audio soundtrack and synchronize it with deck.js slides. It also helps in recording the timings and synchronize them with the soundtrack. Thank you very much for your attention." | text2wave | oggenc -o synth.ogg -
There is a tool coming with some deck.js extensions that will pack all js and css files into a single js file. Loading is way faster as it diminishes a lot the requests (that are sequential with includedeck).
git checkout gh-pages
git merge master
git checkout master
git clone tmpdeck --depth 5
node ./tmpdeck/extensions/bundle-maker/make-packed.js "profile-5 browsercast/popcorn.js browsercast/deck.browsercast.js browsercast/deck.browsercast.css browsercast/player.css"
sed -i -e 's@/home/.*/tmpdeck//*@..../@g' deckjs-custom.js
git checkout gh-pages
git add deckjs-custom.js
git rm deck.js
git rm browsercast
### + edit and add the pres so they use new stuff
### + get the swiss theme for the test demo
git commit
git push --all
git checkout gh-pages
git merge master
# may need a "git rm browsercast" if browsercast was updated (same for deck.js)
git checkout master
git submodule update --init
git push --all
Probably do that (to be re-tested)
git checkout master
git clone tmpdeck --depth 5
git -C tmpdeck pull
node ./tmpdeck/extensions/bundle-maker/make-packed.js "profile-5 browsercast/popcorn.js browsercast/deck.browsercast.js browsercast/deck.browsercast.css browsercast/player.css" .custom.js
sed -i -e 's@/home/.*/tmpdeck//*@..../@g' .custom.js
git checkout gh-pages
mv .custom.js deckjs-custom.js
git add deckjs-custom.js
git commit -m 'updated custom packed deck.js'
git push --all
git checkout master
git submodule update --init