When passed one or more resource types those resources are rendered through templates. The templates are loaded based on a template matching the exact resource type name with a .jinja2 extension or an optionally passed template.
$ python puppetdb_stencil.py mytype
A more complex example that renders multiple types through a shared template:
$ python puppetdb_stencil.py nagios_host nagios_hostgroup -t examples/nagios_.jinja2
The jinja2 loader is used to first search in the current directory and then the absolute path. This is done for every template specified. A template name is generated for the current resource type name.
$ python puppetdb_stencil.py nagios_host -t examples/nagios_.jinja2
This looks in these places:
This project requires pypuppetdb and Jinja2 to function. On Python 2.6 it additionally requires argparse.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt