Stream tweets to some of output
- Get an approved Twitter developer account
- Create an app in the Twitter Developer portal
- Get the following information:
- API Key
- API Secret
- Access Token
- Access Secret
- Get the binary compatible with your OS from releases
- Untar the application from downloaded archive Continue with following steps to get the build running
The goal of this project is to sink tweets into different outputs. Hence, the submodule of the top level commands will be the name of the output the tweets are to be produced to
$ ./gotweet --help
For more information, checkout
gotweet [command]
Available Commands:
console Produces tweets to console
help Help about any command
kafka Produces tweets to Kafka
-h, --help help for gotweet
-k, --keywords stringArray keywords to filter the stream on
--twitter-access-secret string REQUIRED: Twitter access secret
--twitter-access-token string REQUIRED: Twitter access token
--twitter-api-key string REQUIRED: Twitter API key
--twitter-api-secret string REQUIRED: Twitter API secret
Use "gotweet [command] --help" for more information about a command.
The twitter credentials can be passed as environment variables to the command. Here is a map
CLI Argument | Environment Variable |
twitter-access-token |
twitter-access-secret |
twitter-api-key |
twitter-api-secret |
Easiest way to see the app running is to get the tweets printed directly on stdout.
$ ./gotweet console
You can use the docker-compose.yml
in the project to start a single broker kafka cluster on local
$ docker-compose -f kafka.docker-compose.yml up -d
A topic to produce tweets to can be created using
docker exec -it gotweet_kafka_1 kafka-topics --create --topic tweets \
--partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 \
--zookeeper zookeeper:2181
Now, the you are ready to produce tweets to the locally running Kafka server
$ ./gotweet kafka --bootstrap-brokers localhost:9092 -output-topic tweets
$ git clone
$ go get -v ./...
$ go test ./...