This is a plugin built with protoc-plugin-common to generate Spring Web controllers for gRPC services.
To use the plugin:
Since the plugin is not currently in Maven Central, you'll need to clone this repository and build (using mvn
) first.
Then, customize your services with http routes:
service EchoService {
// The SingleEcho call makes a single request and gets a single response.
// The "echo" in the request and response will be the same.
rpc Echo(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/echo/{echo}"
Then configure your build to use the plugin. This is what that might look like with protobuf-maven-plugin:
<!-- os.detected.classifier provided by os-maven-plugin -->
<!-- grpc-java generates gRPC client and server stubs for protobuf-defined services -->
Rebuild, and you should see a *REST.proto class generated for each *.proto class that you have. You can include the generated controllers in your application context with @ComponentScan or as explicit beans.
- Client streams not supported when customizing routes (supported when using default)
- Custom patterns not supported
- Variables not supported
- Not supporting * and ** in path.