Corematch ― Unstopabble memory game where players match the latest Polkadot core usage in a 3x3 matrix board. Corematch is written in Rust and compiled to WASM to run entirely in the browser (Subxt + Yew)
- [✓] Support Polkadot and Kusama network;
- [✓] Mobile first support;
- [✓] Play with keyboard, mouse or touch;
- [✓] Two challenging game levels;
- [✓] Optional help which highlights matches;
- [] Mint points as NFT on AssetHub;
- [] Light clients support;
- [] Signing via PJS extension and other wallets;
If you'd like to build from source, first install Rust.
curl -sSf | sh
If Rust is already installed run
rustup update
Verify Rust installation by running
rustc --version
Once done, finish installing the support software
sudo apt install build-essential git clang libclang-dev pkg-config libssl-dev
Add WebAssembly target to your development environment
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Install Trunk
cargo install --locked trunk
Build corematch
by cloning this repository
git clone
Finally Use trunk
to build and serve the app
trunk serve
Have an idea for a new feature, a fix or you found a bug, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
Any feedback is welcome.
Corematch - was made by Turboflakes. Visit us at to know more about our work.
If you like this project
- 🚀 Share our work
- ✌️ Visit us at
- ✨ Or you could also star the Github project :)
Tips are welcome
- Polkadot 14Sqrs7dk6gmSiuPK7VWGbPmGr4EfESzZBcpT6U15W4ajJRf (
- Kusama H1tAQMm3eizGcmpAhL9aA9gR844kZpQfkU7pkmMiLx9jSzE (
Corematch - The entire code within this repository is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.