A CLI for generate react native project with skygear and other common libraries setup.
- react-native-cli 2.0.1
- Yarn 1.12.1
- Setup Appcenter for iOS and android
- Certs for iOS
- Keystores for Andoird
- Build when new push
$ yarn global add create-react-native-skygear
$ create-react-native-skygear init YourProjectName
- Node 8.x.x
- Yarn 1.12.1
$ yarn
$ yarn watch
You can update the template by modifying ./template/react-native-skygear
or helloworld
will be replaced by YourProjectName
or yourprojectname
after the project generation. It may be useful to you if you need something depends on project's name
Modify ./template/react-native-skygear/dependencies.json
or ./template/react-native-skygear/devDependencies.json
to add dependencies to the template