Pinecode-cli is a command-line interface for control and data plane interfacing with Pinecone.
In addition to ALL of the Pinecone "actions/verbs", Pinecone-cli has several additional features that make Pinecone even more powerful including:
- Upload vectors from CSV files
- Upload embeddings of text from a given website URL. Embeddings generated by OpenAI embeddings API.
- New "head" command to peak into a given index, similar to "head" in linux/unix.
Feel free to use the tool directly from source here, or just
pip install pinecone-cli
Pypi here: (
The CLI depends on a couple of simple environment variables:
- Your Pinecone API Key
- The region/environment of your Pinecone indexes
There is a simple order in which the CLI picks them up
- .env file in the current working dir.
- The environment variable your shell is in.
- Command line arguments overriding the above.
Let's look at a simple .env file:
Of course setting in the shell is about the same:
% export PINECONE_API_KEY=1234-4567-abc
Otherwise you wind up having to pass the key as so:
% pinecli query --apikey=1234 ....
The pattern for using the tool is to invoke 'pinecli' and then use a command. The list of commands appears with --help
% --help
A command line interface for working with Pinecone.
--help Show this message and exit.
askquestion Queries Pinecone with a given vector.
configure-index-pod-type Configures the given index to have a pod type.
configure-index-replicas Configures the number of replicas for a given
create-collection Creates a Pinecone collection from the argument
create-index Creates a Pinecone Index.
delete-all Delete all vectors (note separate command [delete-
index] can completely delete an index)
delete-collection Deletes a collection.
delete-index Deletes an index. You will be prompted to
describe-collection Describes a collection.
describe-index Describes an index.
describe-index-stats Prints out index stats to stdout.
fetch Fetches vectors from Pinecone specified by the
vectors' ids.
head Shows a preview of vectors in the
list-collections Lists collections for the given apikey.
list-indexes Lists the indexes for your api key.
minimize-cluster Minimizes everything for a cluster to lowest
query Queries Pinecone with a given vector.
update Updates the index based on the given id passed in.
upsert Extracts text from url arg, vectorizes w/ openai
embedding api, and upserts to Pinecone.
upsert-file Upserts a file (csv) into the specified index.
upsert-random Upserts a vector(s) with random dimensions into
the specified vector.
upsert-webpage Extracts text from url arg, vectorizes w/ openai
embedding api, and upserts to Pinecone.
version Prints version number.
Before you can use Pinecone an index is required. We can now do this on the commandline rather than in the UI: (Note not all of the cmdline options are required, they're shown here to demonstrate functionality and control)
% pinecli create-index myindex --dims=1536 --metric=cosine --pods=2 --replicas=2 --shards=1 --pod-"type=p2.x1"
Note that for any command, if you want an exhasuive description of cmdline options, simply do something similar to the below, where "create-index" is replaced by one of the commands:
% pinecli create-index --help
Usage: pinecli create-index [OPTIONS] PINECONE_INDEX_NAME
Creates the Pinecone index named <PINECONE_INDEX_NAME>
--apikey TEXT Pinecone API Key
--region TEXT Pinecone Index Region
--dims INTEGER Number of dimensions for this index [required]
--metric TEXT Distance metric to use. [required]
--pods INTEGER Number of pods [default: 1]
--replicas INTEGER Number of replicas [default: 1]
--shards INTEGER Number of shards [default: 1]
--pod-type TEXT Type of pods to create. [required]
--source_collection TEXT Source collection to create index from
--help Show this message and exit.
You can also create an index from a collection (effectively an index backup) as so:
% create-collection --collection_name='testercollection' --source_index='mysourcecollection'
Let's try some commands showing two missing features I'd love to have had over the last year: a "head" command and a quick "stats" command:
% pinecli describe-index-stats myindex
Dimensions: 1536
Vectors: 7745
Index_Fullness: 0.0
Namespace data:
: 7745
% pinecli head kids-facenet
{'matches': [{'id': 'bubba_50.jpg.vec',
'metadata': {},
'score': 12.182938,
'values': [-0.016061664,
Now, let's query some nonsensical data from the index named 'upsertfile'
Note the double quites around the vector
% pinecli query myindex "[1.2, 1.0, 3.0]" --print-table --include-meta=True
π² upsertfile ns=() Index Results
β ID β NS β Values β Meta β Score β
β vec1 β β 0.1,0.2,0.3 β {'genre': 'drama'} β 0.9640127 β
β vec2 β β 0.2,0.3,0.4 β {'genre': 'action'} β 0.9552943 β
β abc β β 0.23223,-1.333,0.2222222 β {'foo': 'bar'} β -0.083585836 β
β ghi β β 0.23223,-1.333,0.2222222 β {'bar': 'baz'} β -0.083585836 β
Markdown of course does a great job of mangling great terminal output so here's a screenshot from using ---print-table
You can of course not output the pretty table by removing --print-table
% pinecli query myindex "[1.2, 1.0, 3.0]" --include-meta=True
{'matches': [{'id': 'vec1',
'metadata': {'genre': 'drama'},
'score': 0.9640127,
'values': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]},
Following the Pinecone vector format of the tuple formatted as:
('vectorid', [vecdim1, vecdim2, vecdim3], {'metakey':'metaval'})
You can pass this in as a comma separated list of vectors on the command line:
pinecli upsert myindex "[('vec1', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], {'genre': 'drama'}), ('vec2', [0.2, 0.3, 0.4], {'foo': 'bar'}),]"
Upserting a csv file is trivial. Simply create your csv file with any headings you have, but there must be at least a labeled id column and a labeled vector column for the vectors. Here's an example of a CSV file that is clearly a DataFrame dump due to the index column on the left which works great w/ pinecone-cli:
1,abc,"[0.23223, -1.333, 0.2222222]",{'foo':'bar'}
2,ghi,"[0.23223, -1.333, 0.2222222]",{'bar':'baz'}
The name of those columns in the header row can be arbitrary or you can name then "id", "vectors" and "metadata" which is our default assumption. If you have custom column names and don't want to change them, just pass in the --colmap
argument which takes in a python dictionary mapping "id" and "vectors" to the naming you have in your csv. For example:
"{"id":"my_id_column", "vectors":"my_vectors_column"}
Note that as in other CSV file for Dataframes, we need an index column as in the example above. Here's an example using the CSV headers and format above with the correct colmap argument:
% pinecli upsert-file embeddings.csv myindex "{'id':'my_id_column', 'vectors':'my_vectors_column'}"
For now you will need to manually provide an index column (we are using dataframes under the hood.)
pinecone-cli was built to make using Pinecone extremely easy and fast. We have integrated OpenAI (others coming) - using its embedding APIs to fetch embeddings. We then upload them into your index for you, making uploading embeddings of an entire website's text - trivial.
% pinecli upsert-webpage lpfactset --openaiapikey=12345-9876-abcdef
[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /Users/tim/nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Package punkt is already up-to-date!
100%|ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ| 5/5 [00:00<00:00, 61680.94it/s]
['About Us Our Promise Focus Areas Consumer Cloud Infrastructure Cybersecurity Fintech Healthcare SaaS Supply Chain and Automation Team Portfolio Perspective When we invest, weβre invested. Our promise to founders Building a business is a team sport. As investors, we donβt just sit on the sidelines but do whatever it takes to help our teams win. About Us The founders we back donβt limit themselves to what is, but relentlessly pursue what could be. We invest in transformative technology companies that are changing the way we live and work. Portfolio Menlo Labs starts companies. We work shoulder-to-shoulder
100%|βββββββββββββββββββββββββ| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 1.11it/s]
One of the more useful things we can do with pinecone-cli is insert random vectors, primarily for testing. Often we will create our index and the length of the vector will be 1,536 dimensions, for example. Instead of writing a bunch of code to go suddenly create those vectors somehow, we can use pinecone-cli to start generating vectors and upserting them:
% pinecli upsert-random upsertfile --num_vector_dims=1536 --num_vectors=10 --debug
upserted_count: 10
1it [00:00, 4.36it/s]
The example above inserts 10 vectors that each have 1,536 random vectors in them. Note that the id
for each vector is simply f'id-{i}'
where is is the ith row (vector) inserted.
Querying can be done in two ways on the cmdline - pass in an actual vector string literal, or ask Pinecone to query randomly (maybe you want to just look at them or look at a TSNE). In the example below, the last argument (required) is either the string 'random' or an actual vector such as '[0.0, 1.0, 3.14569]'. Let's try random:
% pinecli query myindex random
You can also plot a TSNE plot to view clustering of your vectors by using the -show-tsne=True
flag. Note that this will pop up the plt plot by default.
% pinecli query lpfactset random --show-tsne=true --topk=2500 --num-clusters=4
Fetching is simple - just pass in the vector id(s) of the vectors you're looking for as a comma separated list:
% pinecli fetch myindex --vector_ids="05b4509ee655aacb10bfbb6ba212c65c,c626975ec096b9108f158a56a59b2fd6"
{'namespace': '',
'vectors': {'05b4509ee655aacb10bfbb6ba212c65c': {'id': '05b4509ee655aacb10bfbb6ba212c65c',
'metadata': {'content': 'Chime '
'Scholar '
'spotlight: '
Updating vectors is simple - pass the id of the vector and the updating vector as below:
% pinecli update "id-9" myindex "[0.0, 1.0, 3.0]"
pinecone-cli has all of the necessary 'list' operations as shown below:
This gives you a list of all indexes under your api key:
% pinecli list-indexes
You can also view the index data similarly to what you'd get on the Pinecone page using the (--print-table) flag with all data such as pods, metric type, shards, etc:
% list-indexes --print-table
This obviously lists the collections you've created:
% pinecli list-collections
We showed the "describe-index-stats" command at the top of this page. There is also "describe-index" which provides the following:
% pinecli describe-index lpfactset
Name: lpfactset
Dimensions: 1536
Metric: cosine
Pods: 1
PodType: p2.x1
Shards: 1
Replicas: 1
Ready: True
State: Ready
Metaconfig: None
% pinecli describe-collection testcoll
Name: testcoll
Dimensions: 1536
Vectors: 124
Status: Ready
Size: 3917544
This will basically do a rm from the index and clear it out, but will notDELETE* the index. In other words, vector count will be 0.
% pinecli delete-all myindexname
Deleting an index is straightforward. To prevent catastrophic accidents, you'll be prompted to type in the name of the index backwards:
% pinecli delete-index myindex2
Type name of index backwards to confirm: : 2xedniym