This is meant to be managed with stow. (See this video)
The structure is the following for now:
├── .config
│ ├── alacritty
│ │ ├── alacritty.toml
│ │ ├── alacritty.yml
│ ├── dunst
│ │ └── dunstrc
│ ├── gtk-3.0.old
│ │ └── settings.ini
│ ├── gtk-4.0 -> /usr/share/themes/Breeze/gtk-4.0
│ ├── i3status
│ ├── lf
│ ├── nvim
│ ├── sway
│ │ ├── config
│ │ ├── config.d
│ │ ├── icons
│ │ └── scripts
│ └── swaync
└── .zshrc
To install allacritty themes, clone this repo
in .config/alacritty/themes
mkdir -p .config/alacritty/themes
git clone .config/alacritty/themes
To apply the following configuration to your system, first make sure that any of those directories are absent in your home directory. Then run
stow .