CM-Well is a writable Linked Data repository, developed by Thomson Reuters and used as its central Knowledge Graph database. CM-Well (Content Matrix Well) adheres to Open Data principles, meaning that its data is in a standard, machine-readable format.
The Thomson Reuters Knowledge Graph contains information about organizations, instruments and people in the world of finance, but you can use CM-Well for any kind of linked data. Thomson Reuters is now offering CM-Well as an Open Source platform for the developer community to use and enrich.
You may be interested in exploring the following open-access linked data repositories and products:
- Thomson Reuters PermID financial entities
- Thomson Reuters Intelligent Tagging
- GeoNames geographical data
- WorldCat library catalogs
- U.S. government data
Here are more dataset reference lists:
Here are some more resources to help you learn about linked data and CM-Well:
Coming soon.
You can get started with CM-Well by running some basic write and read operations.
Note: The Curl commands in the examples below assume that CM-Well is running on your local machine.
Action: Create 5 new infotons under the path example/Individuals: MamaBear, PapaBear, BabyBear1, BabyBear2 and BabyBear3. Each bear has a hasName field with a name value.
Curl command:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/_in?format=ntriples" --data-binary @input.txt
File contents:
<http://example/Individuals/MamaBear> <> <http://example/Individuals/PapaBear> .
<http://example/Individuals/MamaBear> <> "Betty".
<http://example/Individuals/PapaBear> <> "Barney".
<http://example/Individuals/BabyBear1> <> <http://example/Individuals/MamaBear>.
<http://example/Individuals/BabyBear1> <> <http://example/Individuals/PapaBear>.
<http://example/Individuals/BabyBear1> <> "Barbara".
<http://example/Individuals/BabyBear1> <> <http://example/Individuals/BabyBear2>.
<http://example/Individuals/BabyBear1> <> <http://example/Individuals/BabyBear3>.
<http://example/Individuals/BabyBear2> <> <http://example/Individuals/MamaBear>.
<http://example/Individuals/BabyBear2> <> <http://example/Individuals/PapaBear>.
<http://example/Individuals/BabyBear2> <> "Bobby".
<http://example/Individuals/BabyBear3> <> <http://example/Individuals/MamaBear>.
<http://example/Individuals/BabyBear3> <> <http://example/Individuals/PapaBear>.
<http://example/Individuals/BabyBear3> <> "Bert".
Action: Read the infotons you created in the previous step under example/Individuals, with their field data.
Curl command:
curl "http://localhost:8080/example/Individuals?op=search&format=ttl&recursive&with-data"
@prefix nn:<http://localhost:8080/meta/nn#> .
@prefix bermuda: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix rel: <> .
@prefix sys: <http://localhost:8080/meta/sys#> .
sys:dataCenter"lh" ;
sys:indexTime "1470058071114"^^xsd:long ;
sys:lastModified "2016-08-01T13:27:49.241Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
sys:parent"/example/Individuals" ;
sys:path "/example/Individuals/MamaBear" ;
sys:type "ObjectInfoton" ;
sys:uuid "e6f36b01bec464f9e2a8d8b690590e31" ;
bermuda:hasName "Betty" ;
rel:spouseOf <http://example/Individuals/PapaBear> .
sys:dataCenter "lh" ;
sys:indexTime "1470058071125"^^xsd:long ;
sys:lastModified "2016-08-01T13:27:49.241Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
sys:parent "/example/Individuals" ;
sys:path "/example/Individuals/BabyBear2" ;
sys:type "ObjectInfoton" ;
sys:uuid "284a5a2438db15b5f8d9ef87795c0945" ;
bermuda:hasName "Bobby" ;
rel:childOf <http://example/Individuals/PapaBear> , <http://example/Individuals/MamaBear> .
sys:dataCenter "lh" ;
sys:indexTime "1470058071112"^^xsd:long ;
sys:lastModified "2016-08-01T13:27:49.239Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
sys:parent "/example/Individuals" ;
sys:path "/example/Individuals/BabyBear3" ;
sys:type "ObjectInfoton" ;
sys:uuid "671d93482c72b51cef5afa18c71692a5" ;
bermuda:hasName "Bert" ;
rel:childOf <http://example/Individuals/PapaBear> , <http://example/Individuals/MamaBear> .
[ sys:pagination [ sys:first <http://localhost:8080/example/Individuals?format=ttl?&recursive=&op=search&from=2016-08-01T13%3A27%3A49.239Z&to=2016-08-01T13%3A27%3A49.242Z&length=5&offset=0> ;
sys:last <http://localhost:8080/example/Individuals?format=ttl?&recursive=&op=search&from=2016-08-01T13%3A27%3A49.239Z&to=2016-08-01T13%3A27%3A49.242Z&length=5&offset=5> ;
sys:self <http://localhost:8080/example/Individuals?format=ttl?&recursive=&op=search&from=2016-08-01T13%3A27%3A49.239Z&to=2016-08-01T13%3A27%3A49.242Z&length=5&offset=0> ;
sys:type "PaginationInfo"
] ;
sys:results [ sys:fromDate "2016-08-01T13:27:49.239Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
sys:infotons <http://localhost:8080/example/Individuals/MamaBear> , <http://localhost:8080/example/Individuals/BabyBear1> , <http://localhost:8080/example/Individuals/PapaBear> , <http://localhost:8080/example/Individuals/BabyBear3> , <http://localhost:8080/example/Individuals/BabyBear2> ;
sys:length "5"^^xsd:long ;
sys:offset "0"^^xsd:long ;
sys:toDate "2016-08-01T13:27:49.242Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
sys:total "5"^^xsd:long ;
sys:type "SearchResults"
] ;
] .
sys:dataCenter "lh" ;
sys:indexTime "1470058071125"^^xsd:long ;
sys:lastModified "2016-08-01T13:27:49.242Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
sys:parent "/example/Individuals" ;
sys:path "/example/Individuals/BabyBear1" ;
sys:type "ObjectInfoton" ;
sys:uuid "1627fe787d44b5a4fff19f50181b585b" ;
bermuda:hasName "Barbara" ;
rel:childOf <http://example/Individuals/MamaBear> , <http://example/Individuals/PapaBear> ;
rel:siblingOf <http://example/Individuals/BabyBear2> , <http://example/Individuals/BabyBear3> .
sys:dataCenter "lh" ;
sys:indexTime "1470058071120"^^xsd:long ;
sys:lastModified "2016-08-01T13:27:49.241Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
sys:parent "/example/Individuals" ;
sys:path "/example/Individuals/PapaBear" ;
sys:type "ObjectInfoton" ;
sys:uuid "6513a8d6395af8db932f49afb97cbfd1" ;
bermuda:hasName "Barney" .
See CM-Well Tutorials to learn how perform more CM-Well operations.
See the following resources to learn more about CM-Well workflows, APIs and architecture:
- CM-Well API Reference
- CM-Well Developer Guide
- CM-Well Data Paradigms
- CM-Well High-Level Architecture
Before building CM-Well, you will need to install the following software packages:
- Java 8
- Scala 2.11.11
- SBT(Scala Build Tool) version 0.13 or later
- Java 8
- Scala 2.11.11
- 8 GB RAM
To build CM-Well from its code:
- Clone the CM-Well source branch from CM-Well GitHub Code Page to a local directory on your machine.
- On your machine, navigate to the
directory. - To compile CM-Well, run the following Scala command:
sbt packageCmwell
or preferably (for a complete rebuild and testing):sbt ccft
The following tables describe CM-Well’s code directory structure:
Top-level directories:
Directory | Description |
cm-well | Root directory |
server | Main CM-Well server directory |
Server directories:
Directory | Description |
cmwell-batch | Old background indexing and persisting process |
cmwell-bg | New background indexing and persisting process |
cmwell-common | Common utility classes for several projects |
cmwell-cons | CM-Well install/upgrade/maintenance console |
cmwell-controller | A wrapper around Akka Cluster library to orchestrate all components |
cmwell-dao | Cassandra driver |
cmwell-data-tools | Auxiliary wrappers around CM-Well APIs, to be used as library by CM-Well client developers |
cmwell-data-tools-app | cmwell-data-tools as a stand-alone app (can be used in Linux shell) |
cmwell-dc | Distributed Container. In charge of: health control, data center synchronization, etc. |
cmwell-docs | CM-Well documentation |
cmwell-domain | CM-Well basic entities (e.g. Infoton) |
cmwell-formats | Output formatters for CM-Well data (e.g. to nquads or trig) |
cmwell-fts | Full-text-search wrapper around ElasticSearch |
cmwell-grid | ActorSystem wrapper library used to manage actors across a CM-Well cluster |
cmwell-imp | Infoton merge process used by the background process for incremental updated support |
cmwell-indexer | Indexes data in ElasticSearch using FTS (and used by the background process) |
cmwell-irw | Infoton read from/write to Cassandra (using dao) |
cmwell-it | Integration tests |
cmwell-kafka-assigner | Kafka assigner utility |
cmwell-plugin-gremlin | _sp plugin to support Gremlin (graph traversal language) |
cmwell-rts | Real time search a.k.a pub-sub (real time update of changes in the data according to a certain query) |
cmwell-spa | CM-Well default web-app |
cmwell-sparql-agent | SPARQL Agent Processor |
cmwell-stortill | Utilities for manual data fixes |
cmwell-tlog | TransactionLog (ingest queue) file mechanism. Old mechanism of communication between WS and the old background process. |
cmwell-tracking | Tracking capabilities |
cmwell-util | Common utilities that are used by multiple projects |
cmwell-ws | Web Service (Play! Framework application) |
cmwell-zstore | A distributed key/value store, using Cassandra. Used by multiple projects. |
project | Build instructions and mechanism (SBT) |
To run your compiled version of CM-Well:
Build CM-Well as described in Downloading and Building CM-Well.
Navigate to the
directory. -
To launch the CM-Well console, run the following command:
To install a Personal Edition (single-node installation) instance of CM-Well, run the following commands:
:load pe pe.install
Note: Once CM-Well is installed, the CM-Well web UI is available at http://localhost:9000. See CM-Well Web Interface to learn more.
You can report CM-Well issues at the CM-Well GitHub Issues Page.
CM-Well is Open Source and available under the Apache 2 License. See the CM-Well License Page to learn more.