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Nuget package dotnet License: MIT Discord

Features 🔥

  • Fully generated C# SDK based on official OpenAI OpenAPI specification using AutoSDK
  • Same day update to support new features
  • Updated and supported automatically if there are no breaking changes
  • Contains a supported list of constants such as current prices, models, and other
  • Source generator to define functions natively through C# interfaces
  • All modern .NET features - nullability, trimming, NativeAOT, etc.
  • Support .Net Framework/.Net Standard 2.0
  • Support all OpenAI API endpoints including completions, chat, embeddings, images, assistants and more.
  • Regularly tested for compatibility with popular custom providers like OpenRouter/DeepSeek/Ollama/LM Studio and many others


Examples and documentation can be found here:


using var api = new OpenAiApi("API_KEY");
string response = await api.Chat.CreateChatCompletionAsync(
    messages: ["Generate five random words."],
    model: CreateChatCompletionRequestModel.Gpt4oMini);
Console.WriteLine(response); // "apple, banana, cherry, date, elderberry"

var enumerable = api.Chat.CreateChatCompletionAsStreamAsync(
    messages: ["Generate five random words."],
    model: CreateChatCompletionRequestModel.Gpt4oMini);

await foreach (string response in enumerable)

It uses three implicit conversions:

  • from string to ChatCompletionRequestUserMessage. It will always be converted to the user message.
  • from ChatCompletionResponseMessage to string . It will always contain the first choice message content.
  • from CreateChatCompletionStreamResponse to string . It will always contain the first delta content.

You still can use the full response objects if you need more information, just replace string response to var response.


using OpenAI;

public enum Unit

public class Weather
    public string Location { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public double Temperature { get; set; }
    public Unit Unit { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;

[OpenAiTools(Strict = true)] // false by default. You can't use parameters with default values in Strict mode.
public interface IWeatherFunctions
    [Description("Get the current weather in a given location")]
    public Task<Weather> GetCurrentWeatherAsync(
        [Description("The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA")] string location,
        Unit unit,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

public class WeatherService : IWeatherFunctions
    public Task<Weather> GetCurrentWeatherAsync(string location, Unit unit = Unit.Celsius, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        return Task.FromResult(new Weather
            Location = location,
            Temperature = 22.0,
            Unit = unit,
            Description = "Sunny",

using var api = new OpenAiApi("API_KEY");

var service = new WeatherService();
var tools = service.AsTools();

var messages = new List<ChatCompletionRequestMessage>
    "You are a helpful weather assistant.".AsSystemMessage(),
    "What is the current temperature in Dubai, UAE in Celsius?".AsUserMessage(),
var model = CreateChatCompletionRequestModel.Gpt4oMini;
var result = await api.Chat.CreateChatCompletionAsync(
    model: model,
    tools: tools);
var resultMessage = result.Choices.First().Message;

foreach (var call in resultMessage.ToolCalls)
    var json = await service.CallAsync(
        functionName: call.Function.Name,
        argumentsAsJson: call.Function.Arguments);

var result = await api.Chat.CreateChatCompletionAsync(
    model: model,
    tools: tools);
var resultMessage = result.Choices.First().Message;
> System: 
You are a helpful weather assistant.
> User: 
What is the current temperature in Dubai, UAE in Celsius?
> Assistant: 
GetCurrentWeather({"location":"Dubai, UAE","unit":"celsius"})
> Tool(call_3sptsiHzKnaxF8bs8BWxPo0B):
{"location":"Dubai, UAE","temperature":22,"unit":"celsius","description":"Sunny"}
> Assistant: 
The current temperature in Dubai, UAE is 22°C with sunny weather.

Structured Outputs

using OpenAI;

using var api = new OpenAiApi("API_KEY");

var response = await api.Chat.CreateChatCompletionAsAsync<Weather>(
    messages: ["Generate random weather."],
    model: CreateChatCompletionRequestModel.Gpt4oMini,
    jsonSerializerOptions: new JsonSerializerOptions
        Converters = {new JsonStringEnumConverter()},
// or (if you need trimmable/NativeAOT version)
var response = await api.Chat.CreateChatCompletionAsAsync(
    jsonTypeInfo: SourceGeneratedContext.Default.Weather,
    messages: ["Generate random weather."],
    model: CreateChatCompletionRequestModel.Gpt4oMini);

// response.Value1 contains the structured output
// response.Value2 contains the CreateChatCompletionResponse object
Location: San Francisco, CA
Temperature: 65
Unit: Fahrenheit
Description: Partly cloudy with a light breeze and occasional sunshine.
Raw Response:
{"Location":"San Francisco, CA","Temperature":65,"Unit":"Fahrenheit","Description":"Partly cloudy with a light breeze and occasional sunshine."}

Additional code for trimmable/NativeAOT version:

[JsonSourceGenerationOptions(Converters = [typeof(JsonStringEnumConverter<Unit>)])]
public partial class SourceGeneratedContext : JsonSerializerContext;

Custom providers

using OpenAI;

using var api = CustomProviders.GitHubModels("GITHUB_TOKEN");
using var api = CustomProviders.Azure("API_KEY", "ENDPOINT");
using var api = CustomProviders.DeepInfra("API_KEY");
using var api = CustomProviders.Groq("API_KEY");
using var api = CustomProviders.DeepSeek("API_KEY");
using var api = CustomProviders.Fireworks("API_KEY");
using var api = CustomProviders.OpenRouter("API_KEY");
using var api = CustomProviders.Together("API_KEY");
using var api = CustomProviders.Perplexity("API_KEY");
using var api = CustomProviders.SambaNova("API_KEY");
using var api = CustomProviders.Mistral("API_KEY");
using var api = CustomProviders.Codestral("API_KEY");
using var api = CustomProviders.Ollama();
using var api = CustomProviders.LmStudio();


All tryGetXXX methods return null if the value is not found.
There also non-try methods that throw an exception if the value is not found.

using OpenAI;

// You can try to get the enum from string using:
var model = CreateChatCompletionRequestModelExtensions.ToEnum("gpt-4o") ?? throw new Exception("Invalid model");

// Chat
var model = CreateChatCompletionRequestModel.Gpt4oMini;
double? priceInUsd = model.TryGetPriceInUsd(
    inputTokens: 500,
    outputTokens: 500)
double? priceInUsd = model.TryGetFineTunePriceInUsd(
    trainingTokens: 500,
    inputTokens: 500,
    outputTokens: 500)
int contextLength = model.TryGetContextLength() // 128_000
int outputLength = model.TryGetOutputLength() // 16_000

// Embeddings
var model = CreateEmbeddingRequestModel.TextEmbedding3Small;
int? maxInputTokens = model.TryGetMaxInputTokens() // 8191
double? priceInUsd = model.TryGetPriceInUsd(tokens: 500)

// Images
double? priceInUsd = CreateImageRequestModel.DallE3.TryGetPriceInUsd(
    size: CreateImageRequestSize.x1024x1024,
    quality: CreateImageRequestQuality.Hd)

// Speech to Text
double? priceInUsd = CreateTranscriptionRequestModel.Whisper1.TryGetPriceInUsd(
    seconds: 60)

// Text to Speech
double? priceInUsd = CreateSpeechRequestModel.Tts1Hd.TryGetPriceInUsd(
    characters: 1000)


Priority place for bugs:
Priority place for ideas and general questions:


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This project is supported by CodeRabbit through the Open Source Support Program.