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0.7 TAP Maintenance

Daniel Smith edited this page Dec 13, 2016 · 13 revisions

Maintenance for TAP 0.7

This page provides guidelines for maintaining TAP 0.7.


Go here for CloudFoundry documentation

Adding more runners to TAP instance

If the CLI responds with: No additional stagers available, then existing runners are out of space. You need to add more runners to the platform, as follows:

  1. SSH to jumpbox: ssh -i key-to-jumpbox ubuntu@JumpboxIP

  2. Authorize as a root: sudo -i

  3. Edit the file: vim cf.yml

(. Find the lines shown below:

    256 - name: runner_z1
    257   instances: 2
  1. Add more runners by changing the instances number, for example, from 2 to 4.

  2. Save your changes and execute: bosh deployment cf.yml

  3. Run deployment with: bosh deploy

  4. Carefully review changes and accept them by entering yes

  5. This task can take from 20 to 40 minutes to complete.

Resizing docker storage:

If you cannot create a service, check your Docker storage:

  1. SSH to jumpbox: ssh -i key-to-jumpbox ubuntu@JumpboxIP

  2. Authorize as a root: sudo -i

  3. Select deployment: bosh deployment docker-broker.yml

  4. SSH to the instance executing: bosh ssh

  5. Check disk usage with df -h. If the store is full, or nearly full, you must resize the disk. Logout from the machine.

  6. Edit the file: vim docker-broker.yml

  7. Find the line: persistent_disk: 65536 - Provide new value in MB and save your changes.

  8. Select docker-broker deployment: bosh deployment docker-broker.yml

  9. Deploy changes: bosh deploy.

  10. Carefuly review changes and accept them by entering yes

  11. This task can take from 45-60 minutes to complete, depending on the size of the volume. DO NOT CANCEL IT.

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