Sample application using MQTT on Trusted Analytics platform
Application use dataset to test data ingestion flow with mosquitto. Dataset is present also in this repository (tools directory). User should send data vector by vector on proper mosquitto topic. Bash script from tools directory of this repository can be used. Each data vector consist of class value (integer 1-7) and nine feature values (float 0.0-1.0), eg.
1.0, -0.616162, -0.0254648, 0.015625, 0.0140301, -0.25, 0.0259755, 0.150327, 0.258427, 0.144695
Application get messages from mosquitto and send them to Scroing Engine (SE). SE is an application which is teached to detect anomalies in feature vectors. When anomaly is detected, mqtt-demo stores timestamp and class value in InfluxDB (time-series database). Data stored in database is visible in a website.
For purpose of learning/testing mosquitto ingestion flow you don't need to know more about SE and InfluxDB.
- Application mqtt-demo listens to MQTT topic and waits for feature vectors.
- When a MQTT message appears, application asks Scoring Engine to classify received feature vector.
- Application stores scoring result in InfluxDB.
- Web application asks backend application (mqtt-demo) for a anomalies chart.
- Mqtt-demo gets anomalies (classes different than 1) count per minute from InfluxDB.
This section should be most important if you want to see how to send data to application running in Trusted Analytics platform using mosquitto. Instructions below shows how to deploy sample application on platform and how to ingest data from local machine.
Before deploying application you should create two services on platform. You can do it from command line, but below instructions shows how to do it using web UI.
- Create InfluxDB instance (it should be named mqtt-demo-db or you need to change this name in
- Create Mosquitto instance (it should be named mqtt-demo-messages or you need to change this name in
mvn clean package
cf push
To set information which scoring engine to use, set environment variable SE_URL
cf set-env mqtt-demo SE_URL <scoring engine URL>
cf restart mqtt-demo
Important note: the address of scoring engine has to be absolute URL, which means that it has to contain protocol, e.g.
After your application is pushed, you can type cf env mqtt-demo
in your terminal. You should see JSON object. The most interesting part is mosquitto credentials:
"mosquitto": [
"credentials": {
"port": "32826",
"ports": {
"1883/tcp": "32826"
"username": "sample_user",
"password": "sample_pass"
"name": "mqtt-demo-messages",
You will need port, username and password to connect to mosquitto instance and ingest data to your application.
To install Mosquitto on you local machine, follow the instructions here:
In a terminal:
cd tools
{edit first two lines of this file}
{change HOST from 'localhost' to 'mqtt.<platform-domain>'}
{change PORT from '1883' to 'port' acquired in "Get mosquitto credentials" section}
{enter username - the same that you get in ""Get mosquitto credentials" section}
{enter password - the same that you get in "Get mosquitto credentials" section}
You can find instruction how to install and run InfluxDB here:
Install mosquitto following the instructions here:
Secure your local instance:
cd /etc/mosquitto/
mosquitto_passwd -c passwordfile {username - default one is "mqtt-demo"}
{enter password - default one is "test"}
sudo vim /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
{add lines}
allow_anonymous false
password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwordfile
sudo service mosquitto restart
mvn spring-boot:run
When application is running:
- In a terminal:
cd tools
{enter username - the same that you set in "Secure your local instance" section}
{enter password - the same that you set in "Secure your local instance" section}
- In a web browser:
- Enter
- Wait few minutes - some annomalies should appear in the chart