Tool designed to quantify a user's viewing habits, answering the ever-elusive question: "How much time have I really spent binge-watching TV shows?"
User can input a TV show title directly into the search bar. If unsure, they can also navigate to our dedicated page which showcases 155 curated TV shows.
By default when a user clicks on a show, the program counts the total time to watch this TV show completely( includes all episodes and all seasons). If a user doesn't recognise the show in a list, they can click on the IMDb icon on a poster and find out more.
After the user has selected the TV show, they can edit data. For example, how many times they watched TV show completely, or change the number of seasons from TV shows they have seen;
Total time is always on the screen. It updates every time the user adds or removes a show or makes changes to it. If the user wants to start over there is a reset icon for it.
Days are shown in 24 hours format. Total time can differ by 10%;
To calculate the result program uses the number of seasons, how many episodes every season has and average duration of one episode. If the TV show is still running, the program calculates the number of episodes that have been shown as on January 23, 2023;
- React
- ESLint and prettier.
- Font: Maven Pro, Designed by Joe Prince
- Icons: IcoMoon-Free by Keyamoon
- Source of data and images:
git clone [](
cd your-project-directory-name
npm start