Repository for run commands (aka. dotfiles) and more.
Custom colorscheme named "Sherlock":
white = 7 #fbf8ff 0x07 beige = 223 #ffd7af 0xdf yellow = 179 #d7af5f 0xb3 red = 167 #d75f5f 0xa7 blue = 109 #87afaf 0x6d green = 71 #5faf5f 0x47 magenta = #C374B4 cyan = #45B8B1 gray0 = 234 #1c1c1c 0xea gray1 = 235 #262626 0xeb gray2 = 243 #767676 0xf3 gray3 = 236 #303030 0xec gray4 = 240
Local configuration for zsh
and vim
are loaded from $HOME/.zshrc.local
and $HOME/.vimrc.local
For example, .zshrc.local
with zsh syntax and fzf:
source /usr/share/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh source /usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/completion.zsh source /usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/key-bindings.zsh
Dragable windows by ctrl + cmd
$ defaults write -g NSWindowShouldDragOnGesture -bool yes
Braindump of stuff that I might install.
aria2, ffmpeg, fzf, git, imagemagick, lftp, nnn, pass, ripgrep, vim, zsh, zsh-syntax-highlighting, emacs, qalculate, ghex/okteta, zathura, wireshark, zotero, vlc, discord, papirus-icon-theme, IBM Plex font
- mkdir $HOME/.vim/{undo,colors}
- ln -s .{zshrc,vimrc,lftprc,emacs} $HOME
- ln -s sherlock.vim $HOME/.vim/colors
- cp terminalc $HOME/.config/xfce4/terminal