A JS / Python control interface for a fadecandy-driven 8x8 LED matrix
- Fadecandy case from thingiverse
- Sockets from Conrad on board and counterpart
- Connection status to fadecandy server / LED matrix
- Some default color palettes
- Drawing by hold-and-pull
- Also for mobile?
- Selfmade animations by drawing multiple keyframes
- Saving Images?
- Activation of animations
- Include Perlin Noise as animation
- Think of a way to parameterize the script (at least chose between 4 matplotlib colormaps)
- Sliding text to matrix
- Optimize for mobile usage (on smartphone)
- Flask Restart option (see Stackoverflow) - needed if accessed by multiple devices?
- 4 Sliders: Hue (0-360), Variance (Hue / # colors), Saturation (0-100), Lightness (0- 90)
- Calc HSL-Color for Color
=hsl(hue + i* variance, saturation, lightness)
(see codepen)