A PHP class that simplifies interactions with the OpenAI API. Includes functions to generate text, generate images and convert text to speech.
Generates a text response based on the given prompt using the specified parameters.
API Documentation: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/text-generation
The prompt for generating the text response. Either a string or an array of prompts.
The gpt-3.5-turbo model to use for text generation. Available models: gpt-4, gpt-3.5-turbo.
The temperature parameter for controlling randomness (default: 0.7).
The maximum number of tokens in the generated text (default: 1000).
Result: An array containing 'data' and 'error' keys, representing the generated text and any errors.
echo $ai->textGeneration('Who is Tristan White?')->choices[0]->message->content;
echo $ai->textGeneration('Who is Tristan White?','gpt-3.5-turbo')->choices[0]->message->content;
echo "<p>".$ai->textGeneration('Who is tristan white?')->choices[0]->message->content."</p>";
$chats = [
["role" => "system", "content" => "You are a helpful assistant." ],
["role" => "user", "content" => "Who won the world series in 2020?" ],
["role" => "assistant", "content" => "The Los Angeles Dodgers won the World Series in 2020." ],
["role" => "user", "content" => "Where was it played?" ]
echo "<p>".$ai->textGeneration($chats)->choices[0]->message->content."</p>";
Generates an image based on the given prompt using the specified parameters.
API Documentation: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/images/usage?context=node
The prompt for generating image.
The size of the generated image. Available size: 1024x1024, 1024x1792 or 1792x1024 pixels.
The dall-e-3 model to use for image generation. Available model: dall-e-3.
Result: An array containing 'data' and 'error' keys, representing the generated text and any errors.
$ai->imageGeneration('Draw Tristan White as a magnificent robot');
$ai->imageGeneration('Draw Tristan White as a magnificent robot','1024x1792');
$image = $ai->imageGeneration('Draw Tristan White as a magnificent robot');
echo '<img src="'.$image->data[0]->url.'" alt="'.$image->data[0]->revised_prompt.'">';
Generates an audio file based on the given prompt using the specified parameters.
API Documentation: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/text-to-speech
The prompt for generating the text to audio.
The absolute path to the about of the audio file. E.g. /path/to/my/audio.mp3
The voice of the output. Available voices: alloy, echo, fable, onyx, nova, and shimmer.
The tts-1 model to use for text to audio translation. Available model: tts-1, tts-1-hd.
Result: file containing the audio data. The default response format is "mp3"
$ai->textToSpeech('Who is Tristan White?','/path/to/my/audio.mp3');
$ai->textToSpeech('Who is Tristan White?','/path/to/my/audio.mp3','onyx');
$path = "audio.mp3";
$ai->textToSpeech('Who is Tristan White?',$path);
echo '<audio autoplay><source src="'.$path.'" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>';