Live project site can be acces here: Book Search
Project Repo Book Search
Have you ever been wanting to read a book but at a loss for what to read! This reading list application allows you to search and review books then add them to your favorites list. You will never have to wonder what to read next!
The application utilizes MongoDB for the backend database and React for client-side rendering. Along with Bootstrap and customer CSS for styling Application allowing the user to search google's open book API and saves individual books to a database for long term storage
Some accomplishments in this project
- Project uses function react components
- Project uses global state and context hooks
- Text descriptions freely wrap-around book images in the list
- Has multiple errors pages
- Has various error and conditional checks to work around issues with the google API
Currently deployed on heroku. Follow standard proceedures for installing React-Express apllciations on your platform of choice
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
NOTICE This application is covered under MIT License license.
Shane Schilling
None at this time
Github profile can be found here:
Please direct any additonal questions to: [email protected]