To install, for now just copy Zeus.swift into a project with the Alamofire framework. This project will be updated to 1.0.0 once I finish up the model layer.
Here is an example of how we turn Imgur's Subreddit Gallery API into something usable with Zeus
// GalleryAPI.swift
public class func subreddit(subreddit: String, sort: String? = nil, window: String? = nil, page: Int? = nil) -> Zeus.Route {
return (.GET, buildPath(components: ["r", subreddit, sort, window, page]))
You can now easily connect to this API with Alamofire like this:
// MyApplicationController.swift
let route = GalleryAPI.subreddit("pics", sort: "hot")
let request = myAlamoFireManager.request(route, parameters: parameters)
// Remember, with Alamofire you can chain response handlers
.responseJSON { request, response, JSON, error in
// Do something with the raw JSON
More to come!