Releases: trickstercache/trickster
0.1.2 / 2018-12-04
[ENHANCEMENT] Update to Alpine 3.8 and Golang 1.11.2
[ENHANCEMENT] Cleanup BoltDB Config #90
[BUGFIX] Panic when attempting to configure invalid cache #93
[BUGFIX] Fixing a problem in helm configmap #95
[BUGFIX] Trim data even if none of it is within your time window #97
[BUGFIX] alignStepBoundaries edge case cleanup+definition #99
0.1.1 / 2018-08-15
[ENHANCEMENT] Support Redis Authentication #89 (thanks @stewrutledgebonnier!)
0.1.0 / 2018-08-06
0.0.17 / 2018-08-03
[BUGFIX] Fix Fast Forward Determiner
0.0.16 / 2018-07-17
[BUGFIX] Release context properly to stop memory leaks
[BUGFIX] Properly handle Scalar responses (temp workaround)
[BUGFIX] Properly handle unmarshaling issues as cache misses
[BUGFIX] Properly handle non-int step values
[ENHANCEMENT] Clean up Makefile targets
[ENHANCEMENT] Add /debug/pprof to metrics endpoint
[ENHANCEMENT] Add /ping endpoint for liveness checks
0.0.15 / 2018-06-30
[BUGFIX] Requests to /api/v1/series are not cached correctly
0.0.14 / 2018-06-28
[BUGFIX] Properly parse and pass float time parameters to upstream Prometheus
0.0.13 / 2018-06-18
This stability release has dozens of bug fixes and eliminates a number of panics. Thank you to the many contributors for making Trickster better!
0.0.12 / 2018-04-10
- [BUGFIX] Failsafe against integer divide by zero error on Step Boundary Normalization #30
- [ENHANCEMENT] Support all prometheus /api/v1 paths #27
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow Trickster to listen on a specific address instead of just all interfaces/addresses. #25
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add License Banner to all Code Files #32
0.0.11 / 2018-04-06
- [BUGFIX] Properly passthrough empty array results instead of nil