Find the lyrics for the songs you love.
WHATLYRIC is an example song and artist search built in React, Flux, and Hapi. It also features tests written with lab and sinon instead of the usual Jest.
First, grab an API key from Lyrics n' Music here.
Then open a terminal session, and run the following commands:
# Make the API key available to the app with the following env variable:
export LNM_API_KEY='yourkeyhere'
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Build the assets
npm run build
# Start the app
npm start
The app defaults to http://localhost:8000.
API documentation is generated at http://localhost:8000/documentation.
# Run default tests
npm test
# Generate a test coverage report
# Since babel transpiles before tests are run, the line numbers
# reflect the code in this test coverage report
npm run test-cov-html
# Auto-restart tests upon code changes
npm run watch-test
# Auto-restart tests and coverage report upon code changes
npm run watch-test-cov