Tiny filemanager for tinyMCE or also as standalone solution
Copy the /tinyfm folder to your server. For example www.mydomain.com/cjs/tinyfm Configure tinyMCE and tinyFM as descripted below.
"relative_path_to_files": "..\/..\/file_server\/",
"path_to_files": "file_server\/",
"path": "cjs\/tinyfm\/",
"dateformat": "d.m.Y",
"access_key": "YOUR_OWN_ACCESS_KEY",
"resize_images_to_max_size": true,
"file_permission": 493,
"folder_permission": 493,
"dropzone": {
"maxFilesize": "256",
"acceptedFiles": "",
"forbidden_ext": ""
"ssl": "true"
path: path to installation of tinfym. for example: cjs/tinfyfm
relative_path_to_files: realtive path to medialibary from install path of tinyfm (where fm.php is located)
path_to_files: the path to folder where the files are stored => www.mydomain.com/path_to_files/
file_permission: 493 is equal with "0755".
resize_images_to_max_size: if true max width and height of images is set to 4000px
From point of view from your domain:
**dont forget to escape the "/" in json like cjs\/tinyfm\/**
external_plugins: { "tinyfm" : "!!PATH_TO_TINYFM_INSTALLATION!!/js/plugin.min.js",
/*add "tinyfm" to your plugin list*/
plugins: ["tinyfm"],
!!ENTER_ACCESSKEY_FROM_TINYMFM_CONFIG!! => Accesskey defined in config.json
<iframe src="../cjs/tinyfm/fm.php?nr=1&standalone=1&lang=de&akey=!!ENTER_ACCESSKEY_FROM_TINYMFM_CONFIG!!" style="width:100%;height:800px;border:0px"></iframe>