A cryptocurrency tracking application
Seamlessly check real-time cryptocurrency price data on mobile or desktop, create multiple different portfolios to organize different cryptocurrencies, and receive push notifications on dynamically generated price alerts.
- Node
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- React
- Redux
- Sagas
- Material-UI
- webSockets API's
- Socket.io
- Nivo (charts)
- Web Push API
- Service Workers
To view a live demo of the app please visit https://coindock.herokuapp.com
It is hosted on heroku's free tier so please allow a few moments for the heroku server to spin up.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. In Progress
- Node.js
- postgreSQL
- a database instance with the name 'coin-dock'
copy the contents of the database.sql
file into an sql query to generate the needed database tables.
Next you will need to create an .env
file that has the following fields:
is a coin market cap api key that you will need to generate.
The public and private VAPID KEYS are needed for web push authentication with service workers.
Whne you install web-push run npm install web-push -g
if you install it globally you can create these keys from the command line by typing web-push generate-vapid-keys [--json]
into your command line at the project directory.
the below fields are only needed if using facebook authentication
- real time streaming price data
- Installation of service worker and subscription to Push Notifications
- Infinite scroll loading of cryptocurrencies
- create/delete portfolios
- create price alerts and toggle them on/off
- work on improving code performance
- Add Twilio for notifications backup in case browser doesn't support Push
- Travis Lang
- Thanks to all of the developers of the open source software that was used