This is a small set of utilities for working with
Scalaz streams.
The split
package is a kind of port of Haskell's
and parse
provides some tools for using
in the context of Scalaz streams.
is reasonably well documented and tested. parse
The Penn Treebank includes several thousand files containing parsed sentences with the following format:
( (S
(NP-SBJ (DT The)
(ADJP (RBS most) (JJ troublesome) )
(NN report) )
(VP (MD may)
(VP (VB be)
(NP (DT the) (NNP August) (NN merchandise) (NN trade) (NN deficit) )
(ADJP (JJ due)
(ADVP (IN out) )
(NP-TMP (NN tomorrow) )))))
(. .) ))
We can write a simple s-expression parser with parboiled2
import org.parboiled2._
import org.syzygist.parse._
import scalaz.Tree
class SentenceParser(input: ParserInput) extends ValueParser(input) {
type Value = Tree[String]
def value: Rule1[Tree[String]] = rule {
Whitespace ~ OpenBracket ~ Node ~ CloseBracket
def Whitespace: Rule0 = rule { zeroOrMore(anyOf(" \t\n")) }
def OpenBracket: Rule0 = rule { '(' ~ Whitespace }
def CloseBracket: Rule0 = rule { ')' ~ Whitespace }
def Terminal: Rule1[String] = rule {
capture(oneOrMore(noneOf(" ()"))) ~ Whitespace
def Node: Rule1[Tree[String]] = rule {
OpenBracket ~ (Branch | Leaf) ~ CloseBracket
def Branch: Rule1[Tree[String]] = rule {
Terminal ~ oneOrMore(Node) ~> (
(tag: String, nodes: Seq[Tree[String]]) => Tree.node(tag, nodes.toStream)
def Leaf: Rule1[Tree[String]] = rule {
Terminal ~ Terminal ~> (
(tag: String, word: String) => Tree.node(tag, Stream(Tree.leaf(word)))
This parser accepts individual sentences, but we want to perform streaming
processing on thousands of files, each of which may contain many sentences. The
package's whenElt
and parse
's parseWith
make this easy:
import org.syzygist.split.Splitter.whenElt
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
val sentenceSplitter = whenElt[String](_.startsWith("(")).keepDelimsL.split
def parseFile(file: String): Process[Task, Tree[String]] =
.filter(_.nonEmpty).evalMap(parseWith(new SentenceParser(_)))
val sentences = parseFile("penn-treebank-rel3/parsed/mrg/wsj/24/wsj_2400.mrg")