Releases: trashgod/modular
Releases · trashgod/modular
Modular Project v5.0 (18-May-2023)
Verify using either or both of these:
jarsigner -verify modular-5.0.jar
shasum -a 256 modular-5.0.jar
SHA-256 checksum:
Run from the command line using any of these:
mvn javafx:run
java -p /path/to/javafx-sdk-17.0.7/lib:target/modular-5.0.jar -m modular/org.example.ModularApp
mvn javafx:jlink ; ./target/modular/bin/modular
Modular Project v4.0
Modular Project v4.0 (18-Jul-2022)
Verify using either or both of these:
jarsigner -verify modular-4.0.jar
shasum -a 256 modular-4.0.jar
SHA-256 checksum:
Run from the command line using either of these:
mvn javafx:run
java --module-path /path/to/javafx-sdk-17/lib --add-modules javafx.controls -jar target/modular-4.0.jar
Modular Project v3.0
Modular Project v3.0 (14-Nov-2021)
Verify using either or both of these:
jarsigner -verify modular-3.0.jar
shasum -a 256 modular-3.0.jar
SHA-256 checksum:
Run from the command line using either of these:
mvn javafx:run
java --module-path /path/to/javafx-sdk-16/lib --add-modules javafx.controls -jar target/modular-3.0.jar
Modular Arithmetic Graph v2.0
Modular Arithmetic Graph v2.0 (6-Oct-2021)
Verify using either or both of these:
jarsigner -verify modular-2.0.jar
shasum -a 256 modular-2.0.jar
SHA-256 checksum:
Run from the command line using either of these:
mvn javafx:run
java --module-path /path/to/javafx-sdk-16/lib --add-modules javafx.controls -jar target/modular-2.0.jar
Modular Arithmetic Graph v1.0
Modular Arithmetic Graph v1.0 (16-Sep-2021)
Run from the command line using either of these:
mvn javafx:run
java --module-path /path/to/javafx-sdk-16/lib --add-modules javafx.controls -jar target/modular-1.0.jar