is a package for probabilistic modelling and inference using probabilistic circuits.
Warning: This package is under heavy development and things might easily change!
This package is currently not registered. To install AdvancedProbabilisticCircuits.jl
either clone the package manually or add it using the Julia package manage using: Pkg.add(url="")
The following example illustrates the construction of a probabilistic circuit and its use for density estimation.
using AdvancedProbabilisticCircuits, MLDatasets
# download Iris dataset if necessary
X = Iris.features()
# we can create a leaf node by passing the required scope as an argument
l = Normal(1) # Normal with scope = 1
# we can create a product node with a specific partition using
p = Prod(TruncatedNormal(1, min=eps()), TruncatedNormal(2, min=eps()))
# or with the following shorthands
partition = [1,2]
p = Prod(Normal, partition)
p = Prod((s)->TruncatedNormal(s, min=eps()), partition)
# we can create a sum nodes the same way as a product node, i.e.
s = Sum(TruncatedNormal(1, min=eps()), TruncatedNormal(1, min=eps()))
# or using
K, scope = 2, 1
p = Sum(Normal, scope, K)
s = Sum((k)->Prod((s)->TruncatedNormal(s, min=eps()), partition), K)
# now lets construct a simple circuit
pc = Sum(
Sum(Prod((s)->TruncatedNormal(s, min=eps()), [1,2]),
Prod((s)->TruncatedNormal(s, max=0), [1,2])),
Prod(Normal, [3,4])),
Prod(Normal, [1,2,3,4]))
Once the probabilistic circuit is defined, you should see the circuit in a more amendable form displayed in the REPL, e.g.:
(+) (
0.761 × (×) (
(+) (
0.41 × (×) (
TruncatedNormal[(μ = 0.0, σ = 1.0, min = 2.220446049250313e-16, max = Inf)] - scope: 1,
TruncatedNormal[(μ = 0.0, σ = 1.0, min = 2.220446049250313e-16, max = Inf)] - scope: 2 ),
0.254 × (×) (
TruncatedNormal[(μ = 0.0, σ = 1.0, min = -Inf, max = 0)] - scope: 1,
TruncatedNormal[(μ = 0.0, σ = 1.0, min = -Inf, max = 0)] - scope: 2 ) ),
Normal[(μ = 0.0, σ = 1.0)] - scope: 3,
Normal[(μ = 0.0, σ = 1.0)] - scope: 4),
0.33 × (×) (
Normal[(μ = 0.0, σ = 1.0)] - scope: 1,
Normal[(μ = 0.0, σ = 1.0)] - scope: 2,
Normal[(μ = 0.0, σ = 1.0)] - scope: 3,
Normal[(μ = 0.0, σ = 1.0)] - scope: 4))
Note that the colour coding of the nodes indicate the nodes properties.
We can evaluate the (unnormalize) log density of the dataset by calling the logpdf
of the circuit and compute the normalized log likelihood using loglikelihood
, i.e.
using Statistics
lp = logpdf(pc, X)
llh(model, x) = mean(loglikelihood(model, x))
@show llh(pc, X)
We can optimise the paramters using Zygote as follows:
using Zygote # used for AD
using ProgressMeter, Plots # visualisation of progress & results
iters = 20 # number of iterations
η = 0.1 # learning rate
# results
values = zeros(iters)
@showprogress for i in 1:iters
grads = Zygote.gradient(m -> llh(m, X), pc)[1]
update!(pc, grads; η = η)
values[i] = llh(pc, X)
After optimization, the resulting circuit should look similar to:
(+) (
0.43 × (×) (
(+) (
0.339 × (×) (
TruncatedNormal[(μ = 0.2632989915560352, σ = 2.382310506673276, min = 2.220446049250313e-16, max = Inf)] - scope: 1,
TruncatedNormal[(μ = 0.18073477432822802, σ = 1.4408260826173522, min = 2.220446049250313e-16, max = Inf)] - scope: 2),
0.333 × (×) (
TruncatedNormal[(μ = 0.0, σ = 1.0, min = -Inf, max = 0)] - scope: 1,
TruncatedNormal[(μ = 0.0, σ = 1.0, min = -Inf, max = 0)] - scope: 2 ) ),
Normal[(μ = 0.1738561801760675, σ = 1.654385423083228)] - scope: 3,
Normal[(μ = 0.06158775377035022, σ = 1.0158713531454664)] - scope: 4),
1.106 × (×) (
Normal[(μ = 1.1542622026997085, σ = 3.747453345484773)] - scope: 1,
Normal[(μ = 1.3191340405400875, σ = 2.0246776684705585)] - scope: 2,
Normal[(μ = 1.146697247351322, σ = 2.802238408757326)] - scope: 3,
Normal[(μ = 1.0225365827958446, σ = 0.848282907572307)] - scope: 4))
This package provides a few standard leaf nodes, i.e.
Normal # univariate Gaussian
TruncatedNormal # truncated univariate Gaussian
Indicator # indicator function
and we can easily extend the set of leaf nodes using the @leaf
using SpecialFunctions # required for logbeta
# define a Beta distribution with default values
@leaf Beta(α = 1.0, β = 1.0) RealInterval(0.0, 1.0)
# define the log density function
function logpdf(n::Beta{P}, x::Real) where {P<:NamedTuple{(:α, :β)}}
return (n.params.α - 1) * log(x) + (n.params.β - 1) * log1p(-x) - logbeta(n.params.α, n.params.β)
If necessary, we can also call @leaf Beta(α = 1.0, β = 1.0)
instead and define the support manually. See ? @leaf
for an example. Note that this package currently only supports univariate leaves.
Now we can use a Beta distribution as a leaf node in a probabilistic circuit, e.g.
pc = Sum(Beta(1), Beta(1, α = 0.5), Beta(1, α = 0.5, β = 0.5), Normal(1));
Note that we may additionally want to define the adjoint for Zygote, if necessary. We refer to the Zygote documentation on this.
The package proved sum and product nodes as internal nodes, but can easily be extended. For example, one can implement a custom internal node as follows:
# sub-type NodeTypes to define a new node type
struct CustomProdNode <: NodeType end
# define custom node type constructor
function CPNode(::Type{T}, ns::AbstractNode...) where T<:Real
parameters = rand(T, length(ns)) # every internal node has parameters (optional)
return AdvancedProbabilisticCircuits._build_node(CustomProdNode, parameters, ns...)
# define custom log density function
logpdf(n::Node{T,V,S,P,CustomProdNode}, x) where {T,V,S,P} = sum(logpdf(children(n),Ref(x)))