A weather dashboard app designed to further my knowledge and understanding as a developer in integrating third-party web APIs. The weather dashboard or 'weather report' will have live updates to the weather. It will also allow the user to search for a specific city, access the web API "5 day weather forecast" to retrieve live weather updates and then feature previously searched cities and their weather status. The 5 previously searched cities will be saved to local storage and re-display when the user returns to the page. Additionally it will display the upcoming 5 day weather forecast for the current selected city.
For the purposes of this project, the web application will be hosted on GitHub Pages (https://tranthom618.github.io/weather-dashboard/)
The only user interactions will be on the left-hand side, showcasing a search bar & button, as well as buttons to view other cities quickly. The weather information for the current city will be the main splash displayed.
reset.css template sourced from http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/ --- v2.0 | 20110126 --- License: none (public domain)
Various snippets of code have been adapted from various coursework from: University of Toronto - School of Continuing Studies - Coding Bootcamp.
Research of various syntax, code, or ideas sourced from a culmination of Google Searches, Documentation Readings, Stack Overflow, Forums or Youtube Demonstrations.
MIT License - See LICENSE file contained within directory.