A Twitter & Mastodon & Slack & Bluesky bot to track MBTA slow zones
Make sure you set the proper environmental variables then you can use the following commands to run the bot
$ curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
$ poetry install
$ poetry run python3 slowzones.py
Note you can use the --dry-run
flag to run the both without posting to Twitter/Mastodon, and the --debug
flag for additional logging
You can run the linter against any code changes with the following commands
$ curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
$ poetry install
$ poetry run flake8
$ poetry run black .
If you've found this app helpful or interesting, please consider donating to TransitMatters to help support our mission to provide data-driven advocacy for a more reliable, sustainable, and equitable transit system in Metropolitan Boston.