- Add
field toVps
- Add issuerType to
- Add MailPackage API resources
- Return correct results for querying on
for Actions
- Add
field to NodePool
- Add
field to Actions - Add
field to Actions - Add querying on
for Actions
- Add
field to Operating System
- Add MailAddon API resources
- Add new acronis repositories
- Upgrade/Downgrade acronis products
- Order and cancel acronis products
- Add acronisTenantId field to operating system install
- Add IsSelfManaged field to Acronis Tenant
- Added the
function in the KubernetesNodeRepository
- Add Description field to Acronis Tenant
- Add Acronis API Resources
- Add connectedVpses field to PrivateNetwork information
- Decode the JWT payload with URL-safe Base64
- Added the
field to the VPS model
- Added the
function in the VPS repository
- Add contact key endpoint
- Added
field in operating systems endpoint
- Add compatibility for Symfony 7.x (#30)
- Added the
property to installs and new VPS orders
- Added the
property and getter to the OpenStackProject entity
- Renamed block storage diskSize parameters to size
- Added ability to fetch Action from Operating Install
- Added
backups property and getter
- Fix Kubernetes Cluster release endpoint
- Added
method for mailboxes endpoint
- Added block storage offsite backups property and getter
- Added block storage product type getter
- Added new block storage resource. Deprecated big storage methods.
- Fixed naming convention totp tokens.
- Allowed the possibility to order a VPS without an Operating System.
- Totp identification status key added for the user.
- Totp Enabled/Disabled functionality added.
- Altered Operating System resource to also show the basename
- Add resource to list available releases for upgrade of a Kubernetes cluster (experimental)
- Add resource action to upgrade a Kubernetes cluster (experimental)
- Fixed price information in Kubernetes products endpoint (experimental)
- Added ssh key support to rescue images
- Added Kubernetes releases endpoint (experimental)
- Added pvc and service naming to BlockStorage and LoadBalancer (experimental)
- Added domain property to openstack
- Added Kubernetes cluster reset (experimental)
- Added Kubernetes events (experimental)
- Added Kubernetes Labels and Taints (experimental)
- Add status-reports subresource for Kubernetes load balancers (experimental)
- Get multiple nodes by UUID (experimental)
- Get Kubernetes load balancers by UUID (experimental)
- Added more info for the Kubernetes loadbalancer (experimental)
- Added stats for Kubernetes block storages (experimental)
- Fixed typos in the Kubernetes product entities (experimental)
- Removed broken/missing methods from experimental Kubernetes load balancers repository (experimental)
- Added Kubernetes alpha load balancers endpoint (experimental)
- Implemented Kubernetes alpha product endpoint (experimental)
- Added the Action resource
- Added example of how to use the Action resource
- Added util function that allows to fetch the action from responses
- Changed the return type of currently available actions to Response
- Relocated a number of resources related to the Kubernetes alpha (experimental)
- Implement Kubernetes alpha node statistics resource (experimental)
- Fixed naming convention assignable users
- Added Assignable Openstack Users Repository
- Add Kubernetes alpha resources (experimental)
- Fixed getEntries in certain conditions on mailLists.
- Added type to the Openstack Project entity
- Changed used resource parameter name in MailListRepository
- Changed behaviour of MailListRepository::update, now expects MailList entity
- Implemented Object Store functionality
- Added token endpoint to Openstack
- Fixed action on ssl reissue
- Added domain auth-code endpoint
- Updated Mailbox entity to include webmail url
- Fixed missing (re)issue functionality for SSL certificates
- Added Domain.hasDnsSec
- Added Domain.canEditDns
- Added an endpoint for operating system filtering on specs
- Added isDefault option to the SSH keys endpoint.
- Added ssl certificate install/uninstall endpoint
- Added domain handover
- Fixed incorrect type on MailList.setId
- Added default domain contacts endpoint
- Added includes to Domain
- Added colocation access request endpoint
- Added vps settings and rescue image endpoints
- Removed unneeded composer.lock
- Added status to domain entity
- Added IMAP, SMTP and POP3 information to mailbox resource
- Added ssl certificate details endpoint
- bump symfony/cache to 6.0 compatibility
- Added ssl endpoints
- Added email endpoints
- Added licenses parameter to vps order resource
- You can now provide a license to override the default license of a preinstallable operating system when invoking a reinstall
- Fixed a json serializable return datatype deprecation that occurred when running on PHP 8.1
- Added OpenStack resource
- Added destination big storage name for backup restore
- Added support for Domain AutoDNS
- Fixed a bug where a custom Guzzle Client will always get overridden.
- Fixed an issue where you were only able to use the Guzzle http client implementation.
- Added support for ALIAS DNS resource record
- Added support for NAPTR DNS resource record
- Added getByVpsName method to the OperatingSystem resource
- Added minQuantity to the LicenceProduct
- Deprecated Traffic endpoint in favor of TrafficPool endpoint
- Access token automatically renews when it is revoked
- Added getRdata function in DnsEntry
- Fixed minor bug in getAll for vpsOperatingSystems
- Added a reset function for the VpsFirewall
- Added support for using your own GuzzleClient and HttpClient
- Added isDefault property to SshKey
- Enabled PHP 8.0 support
- Added VPS license resource
- Added isLocked property to HA-IP
- Added UUID property to VPS
- Added tls mode property to HA-IP
- Added the serial property to BigStorage
- Added SSH Keys resource
- Added CloudInit installation functionality to order and install VPS resource
- Deprecated isPreinstallableImage getter in OperatingSystem Entity
- Added Bigstorage description argument to order resource
- You can optionally set a token expiry time
- Fix in PrivateNetwork attach/detach methods
- Merged v6.0 restapi-php-library into v5.18 transip-api-php repository
- Changed entity properties to protected
- Added search by tag for domain(s) and VPS(s)
- Added test and demo mode
- Added access to rate limit statistics
API is now RESTful
Token based authentication
IP Ranges are now allowed in the whitelist
Added new functionality for:
- Bigstorage
- order/cancel/upgrade
- backups
- Haip
- Lets Encrypt wildcard support
- Invoices
- invoiceItems
- Products
- specifications
- Vps
- firewall
- statistics (cpu, io, network)
- TCP Monitoring
- tags
- mailservice
- Bigstorage
- webhosting
This changelog is a continuance of the SOAP API PHP Library. To see further back on features implemented in the past, see the changelog in the v5.x tag.