This repository contains data collected as part of Characterization and Treatment of Adolescent Depression (CAT-D) study.
Dawba_database.csv contains data collected using the Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA). The list of variables can be found in the DataDictionary.xlsx.
Clinical_database.csv contains data collected during various clinical visits, also including inpatient and outpatient visits. The list of variables can be found in the DataDictionary file.
Behavioral_database.csv contains behavioral data in addition to some of the data collected during clinical visits.
Overview sheet contains name and description of measurements, who completed the measurement, and which database files contains the measurements.
Clinical and Behavioural Items sheet contains the variable names contained in the clinical and behavioural database, their description, possible values, the coding used to collect the data and whether the coding is reversed in the database.
Dawba Items sheet contains the variable names contained in the DAWBA database, their description, possible values, the coding used to collect the data (possible values).
Notes sheet contains additional notes about the dictionary.