GY-39 MCU Light Intensity Temperature Humidity Atmospheric Pressure, 4 in One Integrated Sensor Module
- Communication using UART
# Micropython version
# With My ESP32 board, UART0 and UART1 are not available
# Only UART2 is avaiable
# UART2 is using Rx=GPIO_16, Tx=GPIO_17
# ESP Pin -- GY39 Pin
# ---------------------
# 3.3v -- VCC
# GPIO_16 -- CT
# GPIO_17 -- DR
# GND -- GND
- Communication using I2C (S0 to GND)
# Micropython version
# ESP Pin -- GY39 Pin
# ---------------------
# S0 -- GND
# 3.3v -- VCC
# GPIO_22 -- CT
# GPIO_21 -- DR
# GND -- GND
Working MicroPython code for ESP32 can be downloaded from this repository and here are some outputs:
Trial #1:
lux = 7.2 lux
temperature = 24.17 c
pressure = 98234.57 pa
humidity = 40.8 %
elevation = 260 m
Trial #2:
lux = 424.2 lux
temperature = 23.7 c
pressure = 98228.11 pa
humidity = 40.13 %
elevation = 261 m