I2C Handler for PIC24FJ256GA705
This handler uses I2C1 for performing operations. Queuing is not implemented yet, but is possible using a ringbuffer for the i2cOperation variable.
Include "i2c_handle.h" to get the API methods
Include "i2c_operations.h" to get the operation and status enums
Call runI2cHandler in your main application loop to run the state machine
To perform an I2C operation, call "request<operation>".
uint8_t request<operation>(eI2cOperationResult *ptrStatus);
where operation can be- Start
- RepeatedStart
- Stop
To send a byte, call sendData
uint8_t sendData(uint8_t *ptrData, eI2cOperationResult *ptrStatus);
To receive a byte, call receiveData.
uint8_t receiveData(uint8_t *ptrData, uint8_t sendAck, eI2cOperationResult *ptrStatus);
- ptrData: pointer to where the receivedbyte should be put
- sendAck: 1/0 1 = Send ACK after RX is complete 0 = Send NACK after RX is complete
- ptrStatus: pointer to a status flag of type eI2cOperationResult.
This is set to I2C_OPERATION_RESULT_RUN whilst running and I2C_OPERATION_RESULT_ when complete, where status is SUCCESS or FAILURE.
WARNING: This must be cleared to 0 or I2C_OPERATION_RESULT_NONE for the state machine to reset after the operation is complete. |