Example project utilizing karma and traceur-compiler to write and test ES6 style JavaScript with annotations and types extensions enabled.
This project uses an experimental version of traceur-compiler. There are two changes required to enable annotations support in other projects:
Modify your package.json and the following dependency "traceur": "tpodom/traceur-compiler#annotations-0.0.1"
"devDependencies": {
"karma": "~0.10",
"karma-traceur-preprocessor": "~0.1",
"traceur": "tpodom/traceur-compiler#annotations-0.0.1"
Modify your karma.conf.js and add annotations: true
to the traceurPreprocessor options.
traceurPreprocessor: {
options: {
sourceMap: true,
types: true,
annotations: true
To run:
npm install
karma start