- akaunting/akaunting - Free and Online Accounting Software
- Nightonke/CoCoin - CoCoin, Multi-view Accounting Application
- Gnucash/gnucash - GnuCash Double-Entry Accounting Program.
- ledger/ledger - Double-entry accounting system with a command-line reporting interface
- frappe/accounting - Simple Accounting App for everyone
- usefathom/fathom - Fathom. Simple, trustworthy website analytics. Built with Golang & Preact.
- hummingbird-me/kitsu-tools - The tools we use to build Kitsu, the coolest platform for anime and manga
- soruly/trace.moe - Anime Scene Search by Image
- manami-project/anime-offline-database - Updated every week: A JSON based offline anime database containing the most important meta data as well as cross references to various anime sites such as MAL, ANIDB, ANN, ANILIST and KITSU.
- makegirlsmoe/makegirlsmoe_web - Create Anime Characters with MakeGirlsMoe
- tofuness/Toshocat - Anime and Manga list app for desktop.
- erengy/taiga - A lightweight anime tracker for Windows
- boyEstrogen/Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books - Anime Girls Holding Programming Books
- animenotifier/notify.moe - Anime tracker, database and community.
- nicolasparada/nakama - The next social network for anime fans
- deeppomf/DeepCreamPy - Decensoring Hentai with Deep Neural Networks
- xmcp/pakku.js - 拯救B站的弹幕体验!Make Bilibili Great Again!
- youyuge34/Anime-InPainting - An application tool of edge-connect, which can do anime inpainting and drawing.
- annict/annict - The platform for anime addicts built with Rails 5.2 and Vue.js 2.6.
- aviaryan/Kissanime-Batch-Downloader - KissAnime, KissCartoon and KissAsian batch links generator script
- AniDevTwitter/animeopenings - Displays random anime openings
- Kylart/KawAnime - Desktop app for anime fans
- Pizzacus/satania.moe - Satania IS the BEST waifu, no really, she is, if you don't believe me, this website will convince you
- vn-ki/anime-downloader - A simple but powerful anime downloader and streamer.
- z411/trackma - Open multi-site list manager for Unix-like systems. (ex-wMAL)
- jikan-me/jikan - Unofficial MyAnimeList PHP+REST API which provides functions other than the official API
- anilogia/animedb - 約100年に渡るアニメ作品リストデータベース
- dragonzurfer/moe - A command line tool for all things anime
- AniList/ApiV2-GraphQL-Docs - AniList API V2 GraphQL Documentation
- YePpHa/crunchyroll-html5 - A fully fledged HTML5 player for Crunchyroll.
- Aditya-Khadilkar/Face-tracking-with-Anime-characters - Hello! I have made a Python project where YURI from the game doki doki literature club accesses the webcam and stares directly into the players soul.
- Drutol/MALClient - Not so small client app for Myanimelist.net - Windows 10 UWP & Android
- tofuness/Toshocat - Anime and Manga list app for desktop.
- Tsuk1ko/CQ-picfinder-robot - 基于 saucenao 的搜图机器人
- steemit/steem - The blockchain for Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) and decentralized applications.
- anchorcms/anchor-cms - A lightweight blog CMS for PHP
- typecho/typecho - A PHP Blogging Platform. Simple and Powerful.
- otale/tale - Best beautiful java blog, worth a try
- jcc/blog - PJ Blog is an open source blog built with Laravel and Vue.js.
- wagtail/wagtail - A Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience
- hibiken/stories - Medium clone built with Ruby on Rails
- writeas/writefreely - A simple, federated blogging platform. Written in Go.
- halo-dev/halo - Halo 一款现代化的个人独立博客系统
- BasioMeusPuga/Lector - Qt based ebook reader
- atlas-engineer/next - Next Browser - Be Productive.
- darkreader/darkreader - Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension
- odoo/odoo - Odoo. Open Source Apps To Grow Your Business.
- freeCodeCamp/meeting-for-good - A meeting coordination app for your team
- freeCodeCamp/conference-for-good - An open source conference management tool
- Microsoft/calculator - Windows Calculator: A simple yet powerful calculator that ships with Windows
- bullhorn/career-portal - A Bullhorn Platform SDK app that allows candidates to search for and apply to jobs.
- refinery/refinerycms - An extendable Ruby on Rails CMS that supports Rails 5.2+
- arauchfuss/Simple-Comic - OS X comic viewer
- swisspol/ComicFlow - Full source code for the ComicFlow comic reader for iPad
- darwin/cmx.js - [prototype] A library/markup for building xkcd-style comic strips
- Xonshiz/comic-dl - Comic-dl is a command line tool to download manga and comics from various comic and manga sites.
- mamaral/xkcd-Open-Source - A free and open source xkcd comic reader for iOS.
- android-cjj/ComicReader - 漫画App
- kanasimi/work_crawler - 小说漫画下载工具
- Tenma-Server/Tenma - Comic book server with in-browser reader
- happypandax/happypandax - A cross-platform server and client application for managing and reading manga and doujinshi
- tasdikrahman/xkcd-dl - Download ALL xkcd's which have been uploaded till date. Ever!
- Difegue/LANraragi - Web application for archival and reading of manga/doujinshi. Lightweight and Docker-ready for NAS/servers.
- mgsisk/webcomic - Comic publishing power for the web. Turn your WordPress-powered site into a comic publishing platform with Webcomic.
- Twoure/KissNetwork.bundle - Plex Channel to view Anime, Asian Drama, Cartoons, Manga & Comics from KissAnime, KissAsian, KissCartoon, KissManga & ReadComicOnline
- LinYaoTian/Q_Comic - 一款仿知音漫客的漫画APP
- hubbcaps/gazee - A WebApp for reading your comics. Built in Python on top of CherryPy.
- feilongfl/Cimoc - Android 平台在线漫画阅读器
- jodal/comics - comics is a web comics aggregator
- Rabtman/AcgClub - 一款纯粹的ACG聚合类App
- kanryu/quickviewer - A image/comic viewer application for Windows, Mac and Linux, it can show images very fast
- learn-anything/learn-anything - Organize world's knowledge, explore connections and curate learning paths
- pH7Software/pH7-Social-Dating-CMS - pH7Builder (formerly pH7CMS) 👫 is a Professional & Open Source Social Dating CMS written in OOP PHP with the MVC pattern.
- catalinmiron/react-native-dating-app - Dating app - Exponent and React Native
- hfreire/get-me-a-date - Help me get a 💘 date tonight
- mayukh18/BlindChat - a facebook messenger bot that allows users to chat with other people on facebook anonymously
- maebert/jrnl - A simple command line journal application that stores your journal in a plain text file.
- samuelmeuli/mini-diary - Simple and secure journal app
- matthiasn/meins - a personal and smart journal
- hanjoongcho/aaf-easydiary - A diary application optimized to user experience.
- DaxiaK/MyDiary - In the Movie "-your name.-" (君の名は。, 你的名字) , "My Diary" of android version.
- seokju-na/geeks-diary - TIL writing tool for programmer
- wonderunit/storyboarder - Storyboarder makes it easy to visualize a story as fast you can draw stick figures.
- processing/p5.js - p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web.
- opencart/opencart - A free shopping cart system. OpenCart is an open source PHP-based online e-commerce solution.
- nopSolutions/nopCommerce - Free open-source ecommerce shopping cart (ASP.NET Core)
- smartstoreag/SmartStoreNET - Open Source ASP.NET MVC Ecommerce Shopping Cart Solution
- Polymer/shop - The Shop app
- ATF19/react-native-shop-ui - A react native clothes shopping app UI.
- sergiolopes/shopping - Web App Progressiva
- snapjay/ngCart - Really simple shopping cart for AngularJS
- awesto/django-shop - A Django based shop system
- arjunsk/ionic-firebase-shopping-cart - HTML5 shopping cart using Firebase
- cezerin/cezerin - Cezerin is React and Node.js based eCommerce platform.
- studentinsights/studentinsights - We work within school communities to make open, secure, student-centered data systems.
- ankidroid/Anki-Android - AnkiDroid: Anki on Android
- dae/anki - Anki for desktop computers
- oppia/oppia - Tool for collaboratively building interactive lessons.
- LukeStonehm/LogicalDefence - An open source Android app that displays a list of the logical fallacies that haunt every rationalists world
- edx/edx-app-android - The Open EdX mobile app for Android!
- kadinzhang/Periodicity - A modern, adaptable periodic table
- CelestiaProject/Celestia - Real-time 3D visualization of space.
- google/science-journal-ios - Use the sensors in your mobile devices to perform science experiments.
- edx/edx-platform - The Open edX platform, the software that powers edX!
- learningequality/kolibri - Kolibri: the offline app for universal education
- sakaiproject/sakai - Sakai is a freely available, feature-rich technology solution for learning, teaching, research and collaboration.
- tsugiproject/tsugi - Tsugi Admin, Developer, and Management Console (pls join the dev list)
- elmsln/elmsln - ELMS learning network - create and sustain innovation in education.
- jaltekruse/Free-Math - An offline React web application for managing digital math homework
- nekomy/nekomy-platform - An open source LMS (eLearning platform) for MOOCs and online courses (like Tutellus.com or Udemy.com with extra features).
- hrshadhin/school-management-system - Another School Management System
- Jasig/uPortal - Enterprise open source portal built by and for the higher education community.
- elmsln/elmsln - ELMS learning network - create and sustain innovation in education. Dream with us!
- fluidtrends/carmel - The Open Source Decentralized Tech Education Platform
- uccser/cs-unplugged - CS Unplugged is a collection of free teaching material that teaches Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around.
- education/classroom - GitHub Classroom automates repository creation and access control, making it easy for teachers to distribute starter code and collect assignments on GitHub.
- autolab/Autolab - Course management service that enables auto-graded programming assignments.
- Submitty/Submitty - Homework Submission, Automated Grading, and TA grading system.
- okpy/ok - ok.py supports programming projects by running tests, tracking progress, and assisting in debugging.
- code-dot-org/code-dot-org - The code powering code.org and studio.code.org
- uccser/cs-field-guide - An online interactive resource/textbook for high school students learning about computer science.
- ktonga/reactive-turtle - Scala and Akka for kids. A Functional Programming approach for the well known LOGO.
- uccser/cs-unplugged - CS Unplugged is a collection of free teaching material that teaches Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around.
- uccser/cs-field-guide - An online interactive resource/textbook for high school students learning about computer science.
- cool-RR/PythonTurtle - A learning environment for Python suited for beginners and children, inspired by Logo.
- dae/anki - Anki for desktop computers
- kelciour/movies2anki - Convert movies with subtitles to watch them with Anki. Inspired by subs2srs
- kerrickstaley/genanki - A Python 3 Library for Generating Anki Decks
- dasfoo/delern - Spaced repetition learning system
- carllacan/ankimaker - Automatically generates Anki decks from many sources
- katspaugh/fluentcards - Flashcards from dictionary look-ups
- katspaugh/youtube-flashcards - Extract screenshots & audio clips from YouTube videos into Anki cards
- Tatoeba/tatoeba2 - Official repository for main codebase for Tatoeba, a multilingual sentence/translation database.
- VocabHunter/VocabHunter - VocabHunter helps learners of foreign languages find vital new vocabulary to study.
- softvar/translatr - Translate to multiple languages at once
- potapenko/playphraseme-site - No description, website, or topics provided.
- tkrajina/10000sentences - 10,000 sentences: an Android app to help you learn new words in foreign languages
- ncpierson/soundoftext-web - Web App for soundoftext.com
- fulldecent/formant-analyzer - iOS application for finding formants in spoken sounds
- praat/praat - Praat: Doing Phonetics By Computer
- wtetsu/mouse-dictionary - A blazing fast dictionary for Chrome/Firefox
- mdnsk/leo-translate - Browser extension that translates words from English to Russian using LinguaLeo API
- rsimmons/voracious - A video player for studying foreign languages (esp. Japanese)
- DynamicTranslator/DynamicTranslator - Instant translation application for windows in .NET
- fpapado/ephemeral - A progressive web app for writing down words and translations as you encounter them.
- danielpclark/language_cards - Command line flash card game for learning languages. MVC, I18n, and YAML based. Japanese & Chinese flash cards available.
- kelciour/mpv-scripts - Experimental scripts for mpv video player, mostly for foreign language learning
- katspaugh/videobook - Subtitles as a language learning tool
- opendatakit/collect - ODK Collect is an Android app for filling out forms. It's been used to collect billions of data points in challenging environments around the world. Contribute and make the world a better place!
- frappe/erpnext - Open Source ERP built for the web
- openeducat/openeducat_erp - Comprehensive Open Source ERP for Educational Institutes
- Attendize/Attendize - Attendize is a free & open-source ticket selling and event management platform.
- fossasia/open-event-frontend - The frontend for the Open Event API Server
- alextselegidis/easyappointments - Easy!Appointments - Open Source Appointment Scheduler
- indico/indico - Indico - A complete event management system
- pretix/pretix - Ticket shop application for conferences, festivals, concerts, tech events, shows, exhibitions, workshops, barcamps, etc.
- openSUSE/osem - Open Source Event Manager. An event management tool tailored to Free and Open Source Software conferences.
- spatie/laravel-google-calendar - Manage events on a Google Calendar
- pretalx/pretalx - Conference planning tool: CfP, scheduling, speaker management
- alfio-event/alf.io - alf.io - The open source ticket reservation system
- GetTogetherComm/GetTogether - Event manager for local community events
- eventespresso/event-espresso-core - Event Espresso 4 Core for WordPress: Build an Event Ticketing Website Today!
- jogboms/tailor_made - Managing a Fashion designer's daily routine.
- zalandoresearch/fashion-mnist - A MNIST-like fashion product database. Benchmark
- abhishekrana/DeepFashion - Apparel detection using deep learning
- kang205/DVBPR - Personalized Fashion Recommendation and Generation
- lolibrary/lolibrary - The Lolita Fashion Library
- kevinschaich/mintable - Roll your own ad-free Mint clone for managing personal finances using publicly available APIs.
- moneymanagerex/moneymanagerex - Money Manager Ex is an easy to use, money management application built with wxWidgets
- jeka-kiselyov/dimeshift - the easiest way to track your expenses. Free. Open-source. Node.js
- range-of-motion/budget - Get a grip on your finances.
- kresusapp/kresus - Get rich, or die codin'
- aclindsa/moneygo - An accounting web application to track personal finances written in Go and React/Bootstrap
- waditu/tushare - TuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocks
- cgoldberg/ystockquote - Fetch stock quote data from Yahoo Finance
- waditu/tushare - TuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocks
- mcdallas/wallstreet - Real time stock and option data.
- addisonlynch/iexfinance - Python SDK for IEX Cloud and the Legacy Version 1.0 Investor's Exchange (IEX) Developer API
- toomore/grs - 台灣上市上櫃股票價格擷取(Fetch Taiwan Stock Exchange data)含即時盤、台灣時間轉換、開休市判斷。
- JoinQuant/jqdatasdk - 简单易用的量化金融数据包(easy utility for getting financial market data of China)
- piquette/finance-go - Financial markets data library implemented in go.
- JECSand/yahoofinancials - A powerful financial data module used for pulling data from Yahoo Finance.
- wagenaartje/stocks.js - stocks.js is an easy-to-use stock market API for Javascript
- timkpaine/pyEX - Complete Python interface to IEX and IEX cloud APIs
- OpenBankProject/OBP-API - An open source RESTful API platform for banks that supports Open Banking, XS2A and PSD2 through access to accounts
- sebinsua/teller-cli - Banking for your command line.
- bunqCommunity/bunqDesktop - The unofficial, free and open source desktop application for the bunq API
- euforic/banking.js - The Missing API for Banks - Get all of your transactions and balances using node
- IBM/watson-banking-chatbot - A chatbot for banking that uses the Watson Assistant, Discovery, Natural Language Understanding and Tone Analyzer services.
- IBM/build-blockchain-insurance-app - Sample insurance application using Hyperledger Fabric
- asc-lab/dotnetcore-microservices-poc - Very simplified insurance sales system made in a microservices architecture using .NET Core
- white127/QA-deep-learning - tensorflow and theano cnn code for insurance QA(question Answer matching)
- tastyigniter/TastyIgniter - Powerful, yet easy to use, open source online food ordering, table reservation and restaurant management system
- openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-androidapp - Native version of Open Food Facts on Android - Coders & Decoders welcome
- openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-ios - Native (Swift) version of Open Food Facts for iOS. Coders & Decoders welcome
- grocy/grocy - ERP beyond your fridge - grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home
- openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork - Connect suppliers, distributors and consumers to trade local produce
- foodcoops/foodsoft - Web-based software to manage a non-profit food coop (product catalog, ordering, accounting, job scheduling).
- fullstackreact/food-lookup-demo - A demonstration of using
with a server - prakhar1989/FoodTrucks - San Francisco's finger-licking street food now at your fingertips.
- Growstuff/growstuff - Open data project for small-scale food growers
- freeCodeCamp/pantry-for-good - An open source food bank logistics and inventory management tool
- yunity/karrot-frontend - Web application for organization of foodsaving groups worldwide - frontend code and central location for feature planning.
- gabrielilharco/snap-n-eat - Food detection and recommendation with deep learning
- schollz/meanrecipe - Get a consensus recipe for your next meal.
- hmontazeri/is-vegan - Is-Vegan helps you to find out which food ingredients are vegan / non-vegan
- Murgio/Food-Recipe-CNN - Food Image to Recipe with Deep Learning.
- coolhwm/leshare-shop-wepy - 基于微信小程序的在线商城,采用wepy框架开发
- altosaar/food2vec - no description
- nutritionfactsorg/daily-dozen-android - Keep track of the foods that Dr. Greger recommends in his NYT's best-selling book, How Not to Die with this Android app
- mr-karan/swiggy-analytics - Analyse your swiggy orders
- open-eats/OpenEats - Self Hosted Recipe Management App
- citybound/citybound - A work-in-progress, open-source, multi-player city simulation game.
- grantjenks/free-python-games - Free Python Games
- chocolate-doom/chocolate-doom - Chocolate Doom is a Doom source port that is minimalist and historically accurate.
- SFTtech/openage - Free (as in freedom) open source clone of the Age of Empires II engine
- OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 - An open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
- rage8885/OpenSC2K - OpenSC2K - An Open Source remake of Sim City 2000 by Maxis
- fogleman/Craft - A simple Minecraft clone written in C using modern OpenGL (shaders).
- icexin/gocraft - A Minecraft like game written in go
- PistonDevelopers/hematite - A simple Minecraft written in Rust with the Piston game engine
- ornicar/lila - lichess.org: the forever free, adless and open source chess server
- junxiaosong/AlphaZero_Gomoku - An implementation of the AlphaZero algorithm for Gomoku (also called Gobang or Five in a Row)
- SabakiHQ/Sabaki - An elegant Go board and SGF editor for a more civilized age.
- gustaYo/vue-chess - Multiplayer online chess game use Vue , Nodejs, Webpack, Em6, Socket.io, Mongodb, Express
- sharkdp/cube-composer - A puzzle game inspired by functional programming
- tasdikrahman/spaceShooter - The classic retro game recreated using Pygame and python
- yvt/openspades - Compatible client of Ace of Spades 0.75
- etlegacy/etlegacy - ET: Legacy is based on the source code of the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory which was released under the GPLv3 license.
- Armour/Multiplayer-FPS - A multiplayer first person shooter game based on Unity Game Engine
- LoveDaisy/tetris_game - A Tetris Game with AI
- ytiurin/tetris - The original TETRIS game simulator
- justindujardin/angular-rpg - RPG game built with Typescript, Angular, ngrx/store and rxjs
- LiamKenneth/ArchaicQuest - ArchaicQuest a Multi User Dungeon (MUD) - Text based MMORPG in C#
- ericoporto/fgmk - Retro RPG Game Maker
- olistic/warriorjs - An exciting game of programming and Artificial Intelligence
- thomaspark/flexboxfroggy - A game for learning CSS flexbox
- pcottle/learnGitBranching - An interactive git visualization to challenge and educate!
- egaga/openvim - Interactive tutorial for Vim.
- ASPP/pelita - Actor-based Toolkit for Interactive Language Education in Python
- flukeout/css-diner - CSS Diner
- thomaspark/gridgarden - A game for learning CSS grid layout
- sharkdp/cube-composer - A puzzle game inspired by functional programming
- screeps/screeps - A standalone server for programming game Screeps
- openemr/openemr - OpenEMR is the most popular open source electronic health records and medical practice management solution.
- openmrs/openmrs-core - OpenMRS API and web application code
- cpfair/tapiriik - tapiriik keeps your fitness in sync
- Flaque/quirk - A GPL Licensed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy app for iOS and Android
- ifmeorg/ifme - Open source app to share mental health experiences with loved ones
- petrk94/ownhealthrecord - This repository is about the OwnHealthRecord Application Web App
- medic/medic - This is the core repo for Medic Mobile's community health application framework, which you can use to build responsive, offline-first community health apps.
- mraible/21-points - 1-Points Health is an app you can use to monitor your health.
- ValorizeVidas/valorize-vidas - Sistema de prevenção ao suicídio
- citiususc/calendula - An Android assistant for personal medication management
- thelittlewonder/reboot - It's okay to take a break
- tholman/the-zen-zone - Digital meditation aid
- mindfulness-at-the-computer/mindfulness-at-the-computer - Helps you stay mindful of your breathing while using your computer
- archilogic-com/3dio-js - JavaScript toolkit for interior apps
- home-assistant/home-assistant - Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first
- deepsyx/home-automation - Raspberry Pi 3 based home automation with NodeJS and React Native.
- blynkkk/blynk-server - Blynk is an Internet of Things Platform aimed to simplify building mobile and web applications for the Internet of Things.
- evancohen/smart-mirror - The fairest of them all. A DIY voice controlled smart mirror with IoT integration.
- kuoa/smart-connected-mirror - Displaying real time information on a mirrored surface.
- NielsMasdorp/Speculum-Android - Android application powering a magic mirror.
- mKeRix/room-assistant - A companion client for Home Assistant to handle sensors in multiple rooms.
- irext/irext - Universal IR remote control library for household appliances
- netbeast/dashboard - Create IoT applications. Wire devices together regardless their brand or technology.
- zircleUI/smarthome-tutorial - Tutorial: smart-home dashboard UI concept.
- dontsovcmc/waterius - Передача показаний воды по Wi-Fi. Watermeter Wi-Fi transmitter.
- maddox/magic-cards - Queue music, play movies, or trigger events with RFID cards.
- gamonoid/icehrm - Manage your employees easily with a robust and efficient Human Resource Management System
- Jigsaw-Code/outline-client - Outline clients, developed by Jigsaw. The Outline clients use the popular Shadowsocks protocol.
- globaleaks/GlobaLeaks - GlobaLeaks - The Open-Source Whistleblowing Software
- robotopia-x/robotopia - Introducing kids to coding with tiny virtual robots!
- sromku/memory-game - Simple and beautiful memory game for kids
- ktonga/reactive-turtle - Scala and Akka for kids. A Functional Programming approach for the well known LOGO.
- fiorix/cat-o-licious - Cat game written in Go
- nylas/nylas-mail - An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web.
- freeCodeCamp/mail-for-good - An open source email campaign management tool for nonprofits
- Leaflet/Leaflet - JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
- rCarto/osrm - Shortest Paths and Travel Time from OpenStreetMap with R
- graphhopper/graphhopper - An open source route planning library and server using OpenStreetMap.
- mapbox/mapbox-gl-native - Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
- maptalks/maptalks.js - A light and plugable JavaScript library for integrated 2D/3D maps.
- geoserver/geoserver - Official GeoServer repository
- OpenDroneMap/WebODM - User-friendly, extendable application and API for processing aerial imagery.
- maputnik/editor - An open source visual editor for the 'Mapbox Style Specification'
- noncomputable/AgentMaps - Make social simulations on interactive maps with Javascript! Agent-based modeling for the web.
- Flexget/Flexget - The official FlexGet repository
- ridhwaans/homehost - self-hosted, Netflix-like app made for streaming
- tidusjar/Ombi - Want a Movie or TV Show on Plex or Emby? Use Ombi!
- morpheus65535/bazarr - Bazarr is a companion application to Sonarr and Radarr. It manages and downloads subtitles based on your requirements.
- pastapojken/Myflix - Myflix, a Netflix clone!
- XaF/TraktForVLC - Automatically trakt.tv what you're watching on VLC
- amilajack/popcorn-time-desktop - A Modern Popcorn Time Client
- mediathekview/mediathekviewweb - Eine Weboberfläche als Alternative zum Java-Client
- RocketChat/Rocket.Chat - Have your own Slack like online chat, built with Meteor.
- vector-im/riot-web - A glossy Matrix collaboration client for the web.
- zulip/zulip - Zulip server - powerful open source team chat
- sdelements/lets-chat - Self-hosted chat app for small teams
- acani/Chats - Open-Source Messaging App
- FirebaseExtended/firechat - Real-time Chat powered by Firebase
- tinode/chat - Instant messaging server; backend in Go; Android, web command line clients; chatbots
- meetfranz/franz - Franz is a free messaging app for services like WhatsApp, Slack, Messenger and many more.
- mattermost/mattermost-server - Open source Slack-alternative in Golang and React - Mattermost
- withspectrum/spectrum - Simple, powerful online communities.
- siacs/Conversations - Conversations is an open source XMPP/Jabber client for the Android platform
- dino/dino - Modern XMPP ("Jabber") Chat Client using GTK+/Vala
- kontalk/androidclient - Kontalk official Android client
- movim/movim - Movim - Decentralized social platform
- salRoid/Filmy - Material designed awesome movie app which is powered by tmdb.
- jadianes/spark-movie-lens - An on-line movie recommender using Spark, Python Flask, and the MovieLens dataset
- devfake/flox - Self Hosted Movie, Series and Anime Watch List
- delight-im/MovieContentFilter - Watch movies with the freedom (not) to filter
- Radarr/Radarr - A fork of Sonarr to work with movies à la Couchpotato.
- jansmolders86/mediacenterjs - A HTML/CSS/Javascript (NodeJS) based Media center
- alberanid/imdbpy - IMDbPY is a Python package useful to retrieve and manage the data of the IMDb movie database about movies, people, characters and companies
- StegSchreck/RatS - Movie Ratings Synchronization with Python
- SKempin/reactjs-tmdb-app - Responsive React 'The Movie Database' (TMDb) App
- iCHAIT/moviemon - Everything about your movies within the command line.
- Dentrax/GMDB - GMDB is the ultra-simple, cross-platform Movie Library with Features (Search, Take Note, Watch Later, Like, Import, Learn, Instantly Torrent Magnet Watch)
- javascript-machine-learning/movielens-recommender-system-javascript - Recommender System in JavaScript for the MovieLens Database
- EQuimper/MyOwnChallenge-RnMovieTinder - React-Native app for help you find movie to watch
- maksim-m/Popular-Movies-App - A simple Android app, that helps you discover most popular and most rated movies. Project 1 & 2 of Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree.
- klaussinani/moviebox - Machine learning movie recommending system
- sjlu/popular-movies - Tries to create a list of popular movies based on a series of heuristics
- hitanshu-dhawan/PopCorn - Movies and TV Shows App powered by TMDb
- naholyr/show-time - Watch TV shows and movies with a simple CLI
- woxingxiao/GracefulMovies - 简影讯,简约精彩影讯。基于Retrofit+RxJava+Android Arch+DataBinding+Room的高颜值影讯app。简约,优雅,精彩,即看即走,已正式发布上线
- jianxiaoBai/douban - React-native 仿豆瓣电影 app
- Tonejs/Tone.js - A Web Audio framework for making interactive music in the browser.
- beetbox/beets - music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger
- samaaron/sonic-pi - The Live Coding Music Synth for Everyone
- hnarayanan/shpotify - A command-line interface to Spotify.
- danigb/tonal - A functional music theory library for Javascript
- kennethreitz/pytheory - Music Theory for Humans.
- makaroni4/guitar_bro - Guitar Bro – browser game that helps you learn notes on guitar
- mopidy/mopidy - Mopidy is an extensible music server that plays music from local disk, Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Play Music, and more.
- MarshallOfSound/Google-Play-Music-Desktop-Player-UNOFFICIAL- - A beautiful cross platform Desktop Player for Google Play Music
- nukeop/nuclear - Desktop music player for streaming from free sources
- naman14/Timber - Material Design Music Player
- Soundnode/soundnode-app - Soundnode App is the Soundcloud for desktop. Built with Electron, Angular.js and Soundcloud API.
- harjot-oberai/MusicDNA - A Music Player for android that renders beautiful DNA(Visualization) of the currently playing music.
- mps-youtube/mps-youtube - Terminal based YouTube player and downloader
- jakubroztocil/cloudtunes - Web-based music player for the cloud ☁️ 🎶 Play music from YouTube, Dropbox, etc.
- trazyn/ieaseMusic - 网易云音乐第三方
- listen1/listen1_chrome_extension - one for all free music in china (chrome extension, also works for firefox)
- darknessomi/musicbox - 网易云音乐命令行版本
- samuelclay/NewsBlur - NewsBlur is a personal news reader that brings people together to talk about the world.
- Polymer/news - Polymer News (Progress Web App Template)
- xiaoxu193/PyTeaser - Summarizes news articles
- maccman/monocle - Link and news sharing
- sourcefabric/Newscoop - Newscoop is the open content management system for professional journalists.
- dsxNiubility/SXNews - High imitation Neteasy News. (include list,detail,photoset,weather,feedback)
- codelucas/newspaper - News, full-text, and article metadata extraction in Python 3.
- owncloudarchive/news - News app for ownCloud
- michaelhenry/NewsMagazineApp - Simple way to inform you. An OpenSource news magazine app.
- codeestX/GeekNews - A pure reading App based on Material Design + MVP + RxJava2 + Retrofit + Dagger2 + Realm + Glide
- hrscy/TodayNews - Swift4 - 今日头条
- oubowu/OuNews - 新闻阅读
- EventRegistry/event-registry-python - Python package for API access to news articles and events in the Event Registry
- NewsCatchr/NewsCatchr - FOSS Android News Reader App
- tastejs/hacker-news-pwas - HNPWA - Hacker News readers as Progressive Web Apps
- insin/react-hn - React-powered Hacker News client
- iSimar/HackerNews-React-Native - Hacker News iOS and Android App - Made with React Native.
- grp/newsyc - An iPhone Hacker News client
- OperationCode/START_HERE - This repo outlines how to get started contributing to Operation Code, each of our projects, the language they are written in, and their purpose.
- utopian-io/colony - Utopian Colony is a platform for open source collaboration, home to all digital professionals with a passion for open source innovation.
- photoprism/photoprism - Personal Photo Management powered by Go and Google TensorFlow
- jdisho/Papr - An Unsplash app for iOS
- Piwigo/Piwigo - Manage your photos with Piwigo, a full featured open source photo gallery application for the web.
- LycheeOrg/Lychee - A great looking and easy-to-use photo-management-system you can run on your server, to manage and share photos.
- thumbsup/thumbsup - Generate static HTML photo / video galleries
- rampatra/photography - A free online portfolio website to showcase your works.
- philipptrenz/photo-booth - A multi-platform photo booth software using Electron and your camera
- webslides/WebSlides - Create HTML presentations in seconds
- ASKBOT/askbot-devel - Askbot is a Django/Python Q&A forum.
- analogcode/Swift-Radio-Pro - Professional Radio Station App - now supports Swift 4 / Xcode 9!
- AzuraCast/AzuraCast - A self-hosted web radio management suite, including turnkey installer tools for the full radio software stack and a modern, easy-to-use web app to manage your stations.
- etewiah/property_web_builder - The ultimate Ruby on Rails engine for creating real estate websites
- camelaissani/loca - Open source real estate management
- expresspixel/estatezilla - A lightweight open-source Real Estate CMS
- emcasa/backend - EmCasa Backend
- seven1m/onebody - private member portal for churches, built with Ruby on Rails
- securityfirst/Umbrella_android - Digital and Physical Security Advice App
- tootsuite/mastodon - Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
- diaspora/diaspora - A privacy-aware, distributed, open source social network.
- pixelfed/pixelfed - Federated Image Sharing (WIP)
- friendica/friendica - Friendica Communications Platform
- opensource-socialnetwork/opensource-socialnetwork - Open Source Social Network (OSSN) is a social networking software written in PHP.
- vitorfs/bootcamp - An enterprise social network
- humhub/humhub - HumHub - Open Source Social Network
- sherlock-project/sherlock - Find usernames across social networks
- terkelg/ramme - Unofficial Instagram Desktop App.
- ssbc/patchwork - A decentralized messaging and sharing app built on top of Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB).
- Plume-org/Plume - Federated blogging application, thanks to ActivityPub
- insoshi/insoshi - An open source social networking platform in Ruby on Rails
- pump-io/pump.io - Social server with an ActivityStreams API
- syuilo/misskey - A federated blogging platform
- sindresorhus/refined-twitter - Browser extension that simplifies the Twitter interface and adds useful features
- sindresorhus/caprine - Elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app
- UweTrottmann/SeriesGuide - Keep track of your favorite TV shows and movies on your Android devices.
- hypeapps/episodie - Episodie is a TV show time tracker app with unusual design written in kotlin and clean architecture approach.
- SickChill/SickChill - Less rage, more chill.
- oddnetworks/oddworks - [MIRROR]
- TV-Rename/tvrename - Organise your TV videos with ease
- SickGear/SickGear - SickGear has proven the most reliable stable TV fork of the great Sick-Beard to fully automate TV enjoyment with innovation.
- jenly1314/KingTV - 高仿全民直播(全民TV),项目采用 MVP + RXJava + Retrofit + OKHttp + Material Design + Dagger2 + Base + Glide + GreenDao构建。
- hiquest/tvcl - A simple terminal show tracker
- pymedusa/Medusa - Automatic Video Library Manager for TV Shows. It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows, and when they are posted it does its magic.
- PopcornTimeTV/PopcornTimeTV - Popcorn Time for Apple TV 4, iPhone and iPad
- SchizoDuckie/DuckieTV - A web application built with AngularJS to track your favorite tv-shows with semi-automagic torrent integration
- monicahq/monica - Personal CRM. Remember everything about your friends and family.
- JacobEvelyn/friends - Spend time with the people you care about. Introvert-tested. Extrovert-approved.
- ryanhowdy/fcms - Family Connections - Create a private family website.
- impworks/bonsai - Personal family wiki engine and photoalbum
- Prisma-care/mobile-app - Color your memories
- neelkadia/WhereAreYou - Real time location tracker using Android App & Firebase with Mapbox
- thechangelog/changelog.com - Hacker to the 💚
- GetStream/Winds - A Beautiful Open Source RSS & Podcast App Powered by Getstream.io
- xgi/castero - TUI podcast client for the terminal
- Sn8z/Poddr - Podcatcher made with Electron and Angular
- insidegui/PodcastMenu - Put Overcast on your Mac's menu bar
- z-------------/CPod - A simple, beautiful podcast app for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
- podlove/podlove-publisher - Podlove Podcast Publisher
- vitorgalvao/fog - Unofficial overcast.fm podcast app
- albertobeta/PodcastGenerator - Open Source Podcast Publishing Solution since 2006
- JJYing/Podcast-RSS-Editor - A simple Podcast RSS editor in PHP
- chriskrycho/newrustacean.com - The official website for the New Rustacean podcast
- xgi/castero - TUI podcast client for the terminal
- umputun/rt-bot - Мета-репо для движения "создай своего бота"
- lhcgoncalves/podbot - um podcast feito por robôs
- nerab/dropcaster - Simple Podcast Publishing with Dropbox
- i3arnon/YouCast - Turn YouTube Channels into Subscribable Podcasts.
- swanson/stringer - A self-hosted, anti-social RSS reader.
- SSilence/selfoss - selfoss: The multipurpose rss reader, live stream, mashup, aggregation web application
- Athou/commafeed - Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader.
- FreshRSS/FreshRSS - A free, self-hostable aggregator…
- brentsimmons/NetNewsWire - Feed reader for macOS.
- miniflux/miniflux - Minimalist and opinionated feed reader
- mrgodhani/raven-reader - Simple RSS Reader app made using electron and vue.js
- akrennmair/newsbeuter - Newsbeuter is an open-source RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals.
- DIYgod/RSSHub - 万物皆可 RSS
- nmdias/FeedKit - An RSS, Atom and JSON Feed parser written in Swift
- everettjf/TomatoRead - RSS Reader for iOS Developers
- feedbin/feedbin - RSS Reader
- lwindolf/liferea - Liferea (Linux Feed Reader), a news reader for GTK/GNOME
- nextcloud/news - RSS/Atom feed reader
- jangernert/FeedReader - Modern desktop application designed to complement existing web-based RSS accounts.
- pietheinstrengholt/rssmonster - Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader written in VueJS with an Express NodeJS backend. RSSMonster is compatible with the Fever API.
- iamaziz/TermFeed - A simple terminal feed reader.
- freeCodeCamp/league-for-good - An open source sports league management tool
- ssaring/sportstracker - SportsTracker is a desktop application for people who want to record and analyze their sporting activities.
- linouk23/NBA-Player-Movements - Visualization of NBA games from raw SportVU data logs
- ThemeBoy/SportsPress - An open source league statistics plugin for WordPress created by ThemeBoy.
- brodeurlv/fastnfitness - Fast n Fitness Repository
- lubusIN/laravel-gymie - Gym & Club Management System
- wger-project/wger - Self hosted FLOSS fitness/workout and weight tracker written with Django
- ahmetb/personal-dashboard - Programmatically collecting and reporting various stats about myself daily
- mazurio/bodyweight-fitness-android - Bodyweight Fitness (Android)
- mazurio/bodyweight-fitness-ios - Bodyweight Fitness (iOS)
- paperwork/paperwork - Paperwork - OpenSource note-taking & archiving alternative to Evernote, Microsoft OneNote & Google Keep
- NickeManarin/ScreenToGif - ScreenToGif allows you to record a selected area of your screen, edit and save it as a gif or video.
- wulkano/kap - An open-source screen recorder built with web technology
- ShareX/ShareX - ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key.
- ActivityWatch/activitywatch - Log what you do on your computer.
- schmich/marinara - Pomodoro® time management assistant for Chrome
- cassidoo/todometer - A meter-based to-do list
- alexanderepstein/Sandman - An Application Built With Late Night Developers In Mind
- slgobinath/SafeEyes - Protect your eyes from eye strain using this simple and beautiful, yet extensible break reminder.
- claudiodangelis/qr-filetransfer - Transfer files over wifi from your computer to your mobile device by scanning a QR code without leaving the terminal.
- oliviertassinari/SplitMe - Split expenses with friends.
- mostlyash/FileMasta - A search application to explore, discover and share online files
- aviaryan/SublimeNotebook - Make Sublime Text your favorite note taking/journal application
- aviaryan/VSCodeNotebook - Use VS Code as a reliable note-taking/journal application
- schollz/gojot - A command-line journal that is distributed and encrypted, making it easy to jot notes
- jendrikseipp/rednotebook - RedNotebook is a cross-platform journal
- SelfControlApp/selfcontrol - Mac app to block your own access to distracting websites etc for a predetermined period of time.
- project-travel-mate/Travel-Mate - A complete travel guide!
- webkul/hotelcommerce - Hotel & Booking Reservation Ecommerce system on Prestashop
- FantasticLBP/Hotels - 酒店预订App
- sdras/page-transitions-travelapp - Travel App, Native-like Page Transitions
- aviabird/yatrum - Yatrum - Share and Discover Travel Stories, Itineraries, Travel Guides built with
♥️ using Angular 4.0.0 - narendrashetty/travel-RN - This is an experiment to learn how Animated api of React Native works.
- Sky24n/GreenTravel - Flutter 仿滴滴出行~ 仿滴滴主界面,地图中心请求动效果,服务tabs展开效果,地址检索界面,城市列表界面。
- diowa/icare - Open Source Carpooling Platform
- covoiturage-libre/covoiturage-libre - Covoiturage Libre is an Open Source Carpooling Platform in Rails 5
- ridereceipts/ridereceipts - Simple automation desktop app to download and organize your receipts from Uber/Lyft.
- Jarsa/transport-management-system - Transport Management System for Odoo
- dtube/dtube - DTube App
- videojs/video.js - Video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player
- bilibili/ijkplayer - Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
- iina/iina - The modern video player for macOS.
- mpv-player/mpv - Video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2
- insidegui/WWDC - The unofficial WWDC app for macOS
- mediaelement/mediaelement - HTML5 audio or video player with support for MP4, WebM, and MP3 as well as HLS, Dash, YouTube, Facebook, SoundCloud and others with a common HTML5 MediaElement API
- video-dev/hls.js - JavaScript HLS client using Media Source Extension
- TeamNewPipe/NewPipe - A lightweight Youtube frontend for Android.
- MoePlayer/DPlayer - Wow, such a lovely HTML5 danmaku video player
- Chocobozzz/PeerTube - Federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent) directly in the web browser with WebTorrent and Angular.
- Zulko/moviepy - Video editing with Python
- ytdl-org/youtube-dl - Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
- iawia002/annie - Fast, simple and clean video downloader
- jitsi/jitsi-meet - Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
- smacke/subsync - Automagically synchronize subtitles with video.
- IEEEKeralaSection/rescuekerala - Website for coordinating rehabilitation of people affected in the 2018 Kerala Floods
- JakeLin/SwiftLanguageWeather - Swift Language Weather is an iOS weather app developed in Swift 4.
- genuinetools/weather - Weather via the command line.
- schachmat/wego - weather app for the terminal
- cambecc/earth - a project to visualize global weather conditions
- stage88/react-weather - A simple weather app built with React Native and Realm
- thoughtbot/Tropos - Weather and Forecasts for Humans
- BaronZ88/MinimalistWeather - Android 平台开源天气 App,采用 MVP、RxJava、Retrofit2、OKHttp3、Dagger2、RetroLambda 等开源库来实现。
- YouXianMing/YoCelsius - A weather app that uses animation to give you an at-a-glance look at the weather.
- martykan/forecastie - A simple, opensource weather app for Android.
Issues and pull requests are welcome