This project demonstrates a basic usecase of the Metamask Delegation framework to delegate the control, and execute the transation on the delegator's behalf.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd delegation-framework-sample
Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add the following environment variables:
ALICE=<Alice's Private Key>
BOB=<Bob's Private Key>
API_KEY=<Your Pimlico API Key>
Replace <Alice's Private Key>, <Bob's Private Key>, and with the actual values.
Install the necessary dependencies using npm or yarn:
npm install
# or
yarn install
Compile the smart contracts using Hardhat. This command will compile all the Solidity contracts in the contracts directory.
npx hardhat compile
Deploy the contracts to your specified network, by default it'll deploy on Sepolia testnet. Make sure Hardhat configuration file (hardhat.config.js) is correctly set up for the custom network.
npm run deploy
Once the deploy script is successfully run, the delegator addresses for Bob and Alice will be stored in the status.json
file in the root directory of the project. Open the status.json
file to find the addresses:
"DelegationManagerAddress": "0x935851fDBFBC20FEda2A916034B8F5cCAD11F7e4",
"MultiSigDelegatorImplementationAddress": "0x44Da3aDBfAB9495c1fc90fAAc0446809298863af",
"AliceAddress": "0x818c08558DFA0a4749666589be561efdAb1ab67E",
"BobAddress": "0x5E275ed8BAba0152B7A642658f261525db8c2388"
Copy these addresses and update the aliceDelegator and bobDelegator address in index.tsx
Once you have setup the addresses, and .env file, you can run the sample. It'll first delegate Alice's control to Bob's delegator. After the delegation, the Bob's delegator will submit a transaction to move funds from Alice's SCA. To modify the action, you can play around with Action
used to generate reedemCallData
in index.tsx
. For instance if you want to approve token, then the action would be Action(tokenAddress, 0, encodedCallData for approve)
npm run run