Repository for starting out with OpenId Connect to Azure from GitHub Actions.
- Create an Azure AD App Registration.
- Add federated credentials for the Azure Active Directory application.
- Create GitHub secrets for storing Azure configuration.
$context = get-azcontext
$subscriptionId = $
$appId = (az ad app create --display-name oidc-demo | convertFrom-json).appId
$objectId = (az ad sp create --id $appId | convertfrom-json).objectId
az role assignment create --role contributor --subscription $subscriptionId --assignee-object-id $objectId --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal --scope /subscriptions/$subscriptionId
Write-Host "These are the `"secrets`" you need to add to GitHub`n-----------------------------------------------`nApplication Id (ClientId/AppId/AAD_APP_ID): $appId`nTenant Id (Directory Id/AAD_TENANT_ID): $($`nSubscription Id (AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID): $subscriptionId`n-----------------------------------------------"
Follow this guide from Microsoft for updated guidance.
Some specific info and tips:
Choose GitHub Actions deploying Azure resources
Added credential for main
branch of repo oidc-starter
in user/org torivara
Could be organization also, but for this demo it is only my personal user. Replace these with values from you own, though main branch might be the same, repository name is probably not.
Authentication from a Pull Request did not work with this setting only, so I needed to add Pull Request entity type also:
- AAD_APP_ID – Will be the app id/client id from above
- AAD_TENANT_ID – The Azure AD tenant Id from above
- AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID – Subscription Id from above