GEPSi is a toolkit to simulate phenotypes for GWAS analysis, given input genotype data for a population.
- Python 3.6+
This will clone the repo to the main
branch, which contains code for latest released version
and hot-fixes.
git clone --recursive -b master
Install Package and its associated dependencies from requirements.txt
pip install .
Run unit tests to verify that installation was successful
python -m pytest tests/
Genotype data should be supplied in a .raw
format along with a .bim
snplist file. GEPS gives us the ability to format the genotype data matrix and associated annotations into an annotated csv file.
gepsi genotype -data_path /GWAS/data/chr21/ --matrix_name genotype.raw --snplist_name full_snplist.bim
Results in the creation of a .h5
file containing a Person X SNP matrix with Genotype Values of 0,1,2 and and annotated snplist .csv
that is needed to run the phenotype simulation. The snplist has columns for Chromosome, Feature ID, Position, Allele 1, Allele 2, and Risk Allele.
The .raw
and .bim
files can be produced from other formats using PLINK. PLINK can also be used to filter SNPs within selected regions (exons, transcripts, or genes) as well as filter SNPs based on their allele frequencies.
For example, we used the following PLINK v1.9 command to filter and format genotype data for human chromosome 21:
/plink \
--gen gensim_chr21_100k.controls.gen.gz \
--sample gensim_chr21_100k.sample \
--maf 0.01 \
--extract range <BED file containing exon positions for chr21> \
--allow-no-sex \
--snps-only \
--recode A \
--oxford-single-chr 21 \
--out genotype
/plink \
--gen gensim_chr21_100k.controls.gen.gz \
--sample gensim_chr21_100k.sample \
--maf 0.01 \
--extract range <BED file containing exon positions for chr21> \
--allow-no-sex \
--snps-only \
--oxford-single-chr 21 \
--make-just-bim \
--out full_snplist
Resulting in the creation of
/GWAS/data/genotype.raw: a Person X SNP Genotype Matrix
/GWAS/data/full_snplist.bim: Meta data for each SNP
Create Phenotypes for generated phenotypes using default values.
gepsi phenotype --data_path /GWAS/data/chr21/ --data_identifier chr21_100k --prefilter exon --phenotype_experiment_name example_name
Results in the creation of
phenotype_chr21_100k_exon_example_name.pkl: a list of binary phenotypes for each person defined by the Genotype Matrix
effect_size_chr21_100k_exon_example_name.pkl: a dictionary with key SNP index and value a list of the genotype indexed effect sizes
interactive_snps_chr21_100k_exon_example_name.pkl: a dictionary that maps causal snp indices to a list of length 3 [Interactive SNP Index Pair, Interaction Coefficient, Partner Risk Allele]
causal_snp_idx_chr21_100k_exon_example_name.pkl: a dictionary mapping SNP ID to its mapped Gene Risk
causal_genes_chr21_100k_exon_example_name.pkl: a dictionary mapping the causal Gene Feature IDs to Gene Risk Scores
Histograms of the sampling distributions are created and saved for every major statistical product.
Genotype Parameters | Default Value | Definition |
-h --help | None | List all parameters |
-dp --data_path | /GWAS/data/ | path to 1000 GP Data |
-data --data_identifier | chr1_100k | genotype file name identifier |
-ant --annotation_name | gencode.v19.annotation.gtf | Name of Annotations file for gene/exon mapping |
-f --features | ["gene", "transcript", "exon"] | List of features for filtering |
-rr --risk_rare | False | Use the rare allele as the risk allele |
-sep --separator | \t | Genetic file separator |
-ign_map --ignore_gene_map | False | Skip Gene Mapping |
-low_mem --memory_cautious | False | Use batched reading of Matrix raw file |
-chunk --matrix_chunk_size | 1000 | Chunk size for low memory matrix read |
-mtx --matrix_name | genotype.raw | Genotype Matrix (0,1,2) |
-snplist --snplist_name | genotype.snplist | SNP meta data |
Phenotype Parameters | Default Value | Definition |
-h --help | None | List all parameters |
-dp --data_path | /GWAS/data/ | path to data |
-hd --heritability | 1 | Heritability of phenotype |
-data --data_identifier | chr1_100k | genotype file name identifier |
-pname --phenotype_experiment_name |
"" | Name of phenotype simulation |
-cut --interactive_cut | 0.2 | Fraction of causal SNPs to experience epistatic effects |
-mask --mask_rate | 0.1 | Fraction of inter-SNP interactions that are masking |
-df --dominance_frac | 0.1 | Fraction of causal SNPs whose effects are dominant |
-rf --recessive_frac | 0.1 | Fraction of causal SNPs whose effects are recessive |
-mic --max_interaction_coeff | 2 | Upper bound for Interaction Coefficient between two SNPs |
-st --stratify | False | Stratify individuals in the population based on given groups |
-cf --case_frac | 0.5 | Fraction of individuals to be classified as cases. Set to 0 to output raw phenotype scores instead of case/control. |
--causal_snp_mode | "gene" | Method to select causal SNPs {gene, random} |
-num_snps --n_causal_snps | 100 | Number of Causal SNPs required for random mode |
-cgc --causal_gene_cut | 0.05 | Fraction of Causal Genes required for gene mode |
-mgr --max_gene_risk | 5 | Upper bound for Gene Risk Coefficient required for gene mode |
If --stratify
is used, two additional files must be provided in --data_path
. These are groups_{data_identifier}.csv
and group_coefficients_{data_identifier}.csv
. groups_{data_identifier}.csv
should contain a group ID for each individual in the population, one per line, in the same order as individuals in the genotype matrix. group_coefficients_{data_identifier}.csv
should be a comma-separated file with two columns, the first column listing the unique group IDs in groups_{data_identifier}.csv
and the second giving a numeric coefficient to be added to the genetic risk score for all individuals with the given group ID.
TODO Overview of paper and LINK
Exploratory Notebook details the custom genotype data creation process for phenotype simulation.
Utilizing randomly generated SNPs, the notebook walks through how to form custom genotype datasets for phenotype simulation. Generated outputs are stored in the Chromosome 0 directory and are used to test the validity of the package.
The command below can be run inside the GEPS directory to create sample data for testing purposes.
gepsi phenotype -dp ./sample_data/ --data_identifier chr0_test --phenotype_experiment_name playground_example
To contribute to GEPSi, please see NVIDIA_CLA_v1.0.1.docx