- Create a
file in the root directory and store the following:- MONGO_URI=Insert the correct connection URL for your MongoDB database
- REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=Insert the valid google client id
- REACT_APP_TWIITER_CONSUMER_ID=Insert the valid twitter consumer id
- REACT_APP_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET=Insert the valid twitter consumer id
- Run the server on PORT 5000
- npm start/yarn start
You can obtain the MONGO_URI after create a collectoin on mongodb atlas. For the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and the TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET/ID, you will need to go through the Google developer console and the Twitter developer accounts page respectively
- This is a blogging PWA with user authentication and authorization. There is also a social login option, to login using your Twitter or Google accounts. The blog posts are displayed in the reverse chronological order by default.
- There is no exploitation of data, as the app only requires access to your accounts to fetch your unique ID for authentication/authorization purposes, and no personal details(except your registred user name on the social account) is used by the application.
- The frontend of the app is built using React and I have used Bootstrap classes for styling the compnents in addition to my local CSS styles.
- It is a blog app that lets users read the existing blog posts without logging in, and lets them share their thoughts using the anonymous comment section.
- Each comment has a unique jdenticon icon to represent the user who commented anonymously
- There is also a profanity filter to disallow usage of certain NSFW words in the comments' section. This is not an attempt to hinder freedom of speech, but instead it is a necessary aid to prevent misuse of the platform by nefarious users.
- In order to write a new blog post, the user has to login using one of the social media login options provided. The react-social-login package is being used to provide the user authentication and authorization.