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Notes on testing some actions from Project Admin & Review

  1. Upload Submission

     To go to the upload submission page you should enter the following into
     the Address field of your browser: 


     where <id-of-project> part is the ID of any of the existing projects. The
     user you are logged under must have a Submitter role for that project to
     be able to upload submission.
     After uploading a file to the server you may inspect a folder the path to
     which is specified by the "FileStorePath" property in the configuration
     file. You may also excute the following SQL commands to verify the state
     of the database after uploading the file:

       SELECT * FROM upload;
       SELECT * FROM submission;

     Also, it is possible to use an ID of the newly-created submission in
     subsequent testing of actions from Project Review assembly.

  2. Download Submission

     To download a submission you need to know an ID of its corresponding active
     upload (Managers can download even uploads that have "Deleted" status
     though). Here is the link to start download:


     It is advisable to first use Upload Submission action to create some
     uploads in the file store.

Notes on testing some actions from Project Review assembly.

  1. Create Screening

     To create screening you should enter the following into the Address field of
     your browser:


     where <id-of-submission> part is an integer number. If you used helper SQL
     scripts, which insert test data into the database, there are following
     submission IDs available: 3000, 3001, and 3002.

  2. Create Review & Create Approval

     The links for these two actions are almost the same as the link for Create
     Screening action:


     for Create Review, and


     for Create Approval actions.

  3. Edit Screening

     To edit screening you should create its draft version first (by using
     Create Screening action). After that, you can use the following link to
     edit screening:


     where <id-of-review> is the ID of screening review created by Create Screening
     action. You may find out the actual value for this ID by inspecting the contents
     of your database (table "review" in particular).

  4. Edit Review & Edit Approval

     The links for these two actions are:


     respectively. Refer to the previous section to find out where to ged a value
     for <id-of-review> part of the above two links.

  5. Save Screening, Save Review, and Save Approval

     You don't have to undertake special actions to access these Struts Actions.
     They may easily be accessed from appropriate Create/Edit pages.

  6. View Screening

     To view screening you must finish (commit) some screening review.
     The link for this Struts Action is:


     Refer to section 3 for information on <id-of-review>.
     Note, that you may view only finished (committed) screenings.

  7. View Review & View Approval

     The links for these two actions are:


     Refer to section 3 for information on <id-of-review>.
     Note, that you may view only finished (committed) reviews and approvals.

  8. Edit Aggregation

     To edit Aggregation you need to have review of type Aggregation in your
     database. File "I-7 - Add Reviews.Sql", which can be found in /src/sql
     directory, contains appropriate SQL scripts that create such sample
     Aggregation. The review created by these scrips will have ID 4000. When
     you populated your database with Aggregation (either by executing scripts
     from sample file, or by any other means), you should be able to open Edit
     Aggregation page by following this link:


  9. View Aggregation

     To view Aggregation you must commit it first. Use Edit Aggregation action
     to edit and submit (or commit) Aggregation (detailed descriptions of how it
     can be done now are contained in item 8). When you have commited
     Aggregation you should be able to open View Aggregation page by following
     this link:


     Note, that review ID will be the same as the one you used with Edit
     Aggregation action.

 10. Edit Aggregation Review

     User is allowed to review an Aggregation only if that Aggregation was
     committed first (refer to item 8 for information on how to edit
     Aggregation). The following link will lead you to Edit Aggregation Review


     As with View Aggregation action, the ID of review is the same as the one
     used to Edit Aggregation.

 11. Committing Aggregation Review

     Aggregation Review must be committed by all reviewers and a submitter who
     this Aggregation was made for. If some reviewer is also an Aggregator (who
     committed Aggregation), he does not need to commit the Aggregation Review.

 12. View Aggregation Review

     Users are allowed to view reviewed Aggregation once it has been reviewed
     and commited by all users who had to do that. Refer to items 10 and 11 to
     get more information on how an Aggregation can be reviewed and committed.
     The following link will open View Aggregaton Review with comments from all
     participants for you:


 13. Edit Final Review

     To perform Final Review you need to have review of type "Final Review" in
     your database. File "I-7 - Add Reviews.Sql", which can be found in /src/sql
     directory, contains appropriate SQL scripts that create such sample
     Final Review. The review created by these scrips will have ID 5000. When
     you populated your database with Final Review (either by executing scripts
     from sample file, or by any other means), you should be able to open Edit
     Final Review page by following this link:


 14. View Final Review

     To view Final Review you must commit it first. Use Edit Final Review action
     to edit and submit (or commit) Final Review (detailed descriptions of how
     it can be done now are contained in item 13). When you have commited Final
     Review you should be able to open View Final Review page by following this


     Note, that review ID will be the same as the one you used with Edit
     Final Review action.

 15. Save Aggregation, Save Aggregation Review, and Save Final Review

     You don't have to undertake any special actions to access these Struts
     Actions. They may easily be accessed from appropriate Edit pages.

 16. Note also, that you must log in under an appropriate user to be able to
     perform the aforementioned actions.

Notes about logging in into the application.

  1. If you used the data from the sample SQL scripts supplied with this
     submission to insert some data to the database (seek for notes about
     these scripts below), then you should be able to login into the
     application providing the following information in the Login form:
         Username: admin
         Password: admin
     You may login under any other user (though the rights (roles) should be
     different), only the user should exist in the database. User handles
     (Usernames) are taken from the "user" table (that one for User Project
     Data Store component), and the password is simply the same as the handle,
     case insensitive. Note, that Username is case sensitive, although.

Notes about Informix version

  Although we used Informix v9.4 JDBC driver during the development of Admin
  part of assembly, we had to switch to the Informix v10.0 one, because of
  the read-only feature used by one of the componets (the Deliverables
  Management Persistence one). So, from now on, only the driver from evaluation
  version of Informix 10.0 is included with the submission. If you have
  Informix 9.4 installed on your machine, it should work pretty well with the
  newer version of the driver (at least it worked for us).

Notes about building / preparing distributive packages / deploying / testing.

  1. This submission includes sample file. We recommend
     you to use it to get an idea which properties should be overridden.

  2. You should be able to compile the application by executing "ant compile".

  3. You should be able to prepare distibutive package by executing "ant dist".

  4. You should be able to deploy application to JBoss automatically by executing
     "ant deploy".

  5. You may run tests by executing "ant test".
     Note, you must have Tomcat 5.5 Web Server to run the tests.

Notes about database tables creation / population / cleaning / deletion.

  1. All the needed SQL scripts can be found in /src/sql folder of this package.

  2. Scripts which names begin with the digit denote scripts that contain commands
     essintial for the normal operation of the application.  These scripts should
     be executed in exactly that order as specified by the number on the beginning
     of their filename.

  3. Scripts which names have letter "I" at the beginning contain commands to
     populate database with some sample data.  These scripts should not be used
     when the application is deployed to its final destination, they have been
     provided for testing purposes only to help reviewers/testers quickly start
     verifying the operation of the application.

  4. Note, that if you do not use the scripts described in the previuos section,
     you should populate the database with so-called Global Managers, i.e.
     resources who have the Manager role, and have no project assigned.

  5. If the contents of some tables should be removed (deleted), scripts with
     letter "X" at the beginning of their names may be used.  These scripts
     contain commands that delete volatile data from the database only.  They
     neither delete lookup data, nor do they delete (drop) any tables from the
     Note, there is special script named "X - Drop All.Sql".  See next item for
     more information on its purpose.

  6. The script file named "X - Drop All.Sql" contains commands to remove all the
     data (including lookups and tables) from the database.  This file doesn't
     destroy the database itself, though.  You'll need to recreate all tables and
     insert lookup data at the minimum in order to return the application back to
     working state after using this script.