An OS written in Rust and Assembly. It currently only supports the amd64 architecture.
- VGA driver.
- Paging.
- Keyboard input / PS/2 driver.
- Basic support for PCI devices.
- Basic pre-emptive scheduling.
# Install Rust - follow on-screen instructions. Note - you may have to reload your shell to be able to use Rust
# commands.
curl -sSf | sh
# Clone repo.
git clone && cd ~/lambdaOS #Or wherever you put it.
# We need to be using the nightly toolchain.
rustup override set nightly
# Install rust-src and xargo for cross-compilation.
rustup component add rust-src && cargo install xargo
# Install dependencies from package manager.
sudo pacman -S make qemu xorriso grub nasm mtools
# Build and run lambdaOS
make run