This is my opinionated React.js template. I usually use it as a lab for trying js code, React.js code, libs, etc. But this is also a template to help me (and probably you!) bootstrap new projects. To have the best dev experience possible, I picked these technologies (they may change overtime, you know how fast the js ecosystem evolves LOL.):
- React.js & TypeScript
- UnoCSS + TailwindCSS preset, react-router-dom, react-query & msw
- Vite (lightning fast frontend build tool)
- Vitest + @testing-library/react + @testing-library/jest-dom (unit & integration testing)
- Eslint + Prettier (my linting and styling rules)
- Cypress (E2E testing)
- Commits: Angular Commit Message Conventions
- Add husky + git-cz + commitizen + lint-staged
- Add storybook
- Add vite-plugin-ssr
- Setup CI with github actions