developer : Han Chan Hee
student id : 20182204
date : 2021-06-22 ~ 2021-06-24
Shell command must be lowercase!
Parameter should be hexadecimal
If you want alphabet to hexadecimal you can use both upper and lowercase
Memory address is started from 0x0 to 0xFFFFF
Assembler can handle Upper Case file name
Enter make
to compile
Enter the ./20182204.out
After using all the command that you want to use
Enter the make clean
it will delete all the runnable files include obj files
to input prompt *sicsim>*
enter the command below
- h[elp] : print all the command you can enter
- d[ir] : print all the files in current directory
- q[uit] : Exit the sicsim prompt
- hi[story] : print all the command that you entered
- du[mp][start,end] : print memory data from (start) to (end)
- e[dit]address,value : change the memory (address) to (value)
- f[ill] start,end,value : choose memory from (start)to (end) and change to (value)
- reset : reset all memory value to 0
- opcode mnemonic : print (mnemonic)'s opcode
- opcodelist : print (opcode hash table) data
- type file : print current directory's file data
- assemble file : to assemble file. and create .obj files and .lst files.
- symbol : print (symbol table) that latest assembled
- progaddr {address} : when loader or run command is entered choose the start address
- loader {object filename1} {object filename2} {...} : from filename1 include three .obj files to run linking loader
- bp {address} : make breakpoint to address position
- bp clear : delete all the breakpoint
- bp : print all the breakpoint
- run : run the program