A bag of custom field types. Live demo
To install this Add-on to your site, you need a site running equivalent version of Litium. This Add-on's version is inlined with Litium's version. If its version is 6.0.0, that means it is built against Litium 6.0.0.
Add this project to your existing Litium solution.
Just like other field type:
- Create a field with type GoogleMap
- Edit the field to enter the Google Map Api key. Here is how to get the key: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key
- Add it to the template
- Then the Google Map component will be added to the entity page.
Even though the AddOn is ready to use by just installing the package, you can still build it from source.
- Make sure you have set up Litium NuGet feed https://docs.litium.com/download/litium-nuget-feed
- You need a site running equivalent version of Litium. This Add-on's version is inlined with Litium's version. If its version is 6.0.0, that means it is built against Litium 6.0.0.
- You need to have NPM installed. How to install NPM
- Open the project file TonNguyen.FieldTypeBag.csproj
- Execute the following command in Package Manager Console:
Update-Package -ReInstall
- Execute the BuildClientScripts.bat file
- Build the solution