TON uses the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus model, meaning the network’s security and stability are maintained by a set of network validators. Anyone can become a validator and contribute to the network security while receiving Toncoin as a reward.
What do validators do? Network validators verify all the user transactions. If all validators reach a consensus that a given transaction is valid, this transaction is included in the blockchain. The invalid transactions are rejected.
In this front-end-related project, we would like to create a map of TON Validators to showcase the diverse spirit of the TON international community. So, the task is to build a React component that implements the following UI interface:
- desktop:
- mobile:
- Possible animations:
- The points are pulsating
- The connecting lines are pulsating from point to point, thus resembling a network
The best implementations might be integrated into the website.
To contribute:
- Fork the project
- Make the changes
- Create a PR
- The Vercel preview deployment should be completed successfully, and the preview link will be provided in the PR
The project is based on the Next.js meta-framework (Pages router). After installing the dependencies, start the local development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
The app should now be available at the http://localhost:3000. Make changes to pages/index.tsx
or update the project in any way necessary.
The list of validators can be fetched via the following URL:
The response format is:
"count": 123,
"countriesCount": 32,
"totalStake": 12345670000000000,
"items": [
"country": "Country Code, e.g., US",
"latitude": 37.751,
"longitude": -97.822
Feel free to be creative and experiment!
- Figma designs for the component:
- Javascript SDK for The Open Network:
- convert-country-codes package:
- countryjs package:
For general inquiries, see HACK-TON-BERFEST 2023 Telegram Group. For project-specific questions or clarifications, please reach out via telegram or email.