NOTE: this fork is no longer maintained or up-to-date. Please refer to the original repo for a better working version.
This plugin enables serial communication over Bluetooth. It was written for communicating between Android or iOS and an Arduino another Android device. The only adjusment made from Don Coleman's original code is to enable the AcceptThread for receiving incoming connections.
Android uses Classic Bluetooth. iOS uses Bluetooth Low Energy.
- Android
- iOS (with BLEMini)
- The phone must initiate the Bluetooth connection
- Data sent over the connection is assumed to be Strings
- iOS Bluetooth Low Energy requires iPhone 4S, iPhone5, iPod 5, or iPad3+
Install with Cordova cli
$ cordova plugin add
This plugin is also available for PhoneGap Build
There are some sample projects included with the plugin.
- bluetoothSerial.connect
- bluetoothSerial.connectInsecure
- bluetoothSerial.disconnect
- bluetoothSerial.write
- bluetoothSerial.available
- bluetoothSerial.readUntil
- bluetoothSerial.subscribe
- bluetoothSerial.unsubscribe
- bluetoothSerial.clear
- bluetoothSerial.list
- bluetoothSerial.isEnabled
- bluetoothSerial.isConnected
Connect to a Bluetooth device.
bluetoothSerial.connect(macAddress_or_uuid, connectSuccess, connectFailure);
Function connect
connects to a Bluetooth device. The callback is long running. Success will be called when the connection is successful. Failure is called if the connection fails, or later if the connection disconnects. An error message is passed to the failure callback.
For Android, connect
takes a macAddress of the remote device.
For iOS, connect
takes the UUID of the remote device. Optionally, you can pass an empty string and the plugin will connect to the first BLE peripheral.
- macAddress_or_uuid: Identifier of the remote device.
- connectSuccess: Success callback function that is invoked when the connection is successful.
- connectFailure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs or the connection disconnects.
Connect insecurely to a Bluetooth device.
bluetoothSerial.connectInsecure(macAddress, connectSuccess, connectFailure);
Function connectInsecure
works like connect, but creates an insecure connection to a Bluetooth device. See the Android docs for more information.
For Android, connectInsecure
takes a macAddress of the remote device.
is not supported on iOS.
- macAddress: Identifier of the remote device.
- connectSuccess: Success callback function that is invoked when the connection is successful.
- connectFailure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs or the connection disconnects.
bluetoothSerial.disconnect([success], [failure]);
Function disconnect
disconnects the current connection.
- success: Success callback function that is invoked when the connection is successful. [optional]
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
Writes data to the serial port.
bluetoothSerial.write(data, success, failure);
Function write
data to the serial port. Data must be a String.
- success: Success callback function that is invoked when the connection is successful. [optional]
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
Gets the number of bytes of data available.
bluetoothSerial.available(success, failure);
Function available
gets the number of bytes of data available. The bytes are passed as a parameter to the success callback.
- success: Success callback function that is invoked when the connection is successful. [optional]
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
bluetoothSerial.available(function (numBytes) {
console.log("There are " + numBytes + " available to read.");
}, failure);
Reads data from the buffer., failure);
Function read
reads the data from the buffer. The data is passed to the success callback as a String. Calling read
when no data is available will pass an empty String to the callback.
- success: Success callback function that is invoked with the number of bytes available to be read.
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional] (data) {
}, failure);
Reads data from the buffer until it reaches a delimiter.
bluetoothSerial.readUntil('\n', success, failure);
Function readUntil
reads the data from the buffer until it reaches a delimiter. The data is passed to the success callback as a String. If the buffer does not contain the delimiter, an empty String is passed to the callback. Calling read
when no data is available will pass an empty String to the callback.
- delimiter: delimiter
- success: Success callback function that is invoked with the data.
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
bluetoothSerial.readUntil('\n', function (data) {
}, failure);
Subscribe to be notified when data is received.
bluetoothSerial.subscribe('\n', success, failure);
Function subscribe
registers a callback that is called when data is received. A delimiter must be specified. The callback is called with the data as soon as the delimiter string is read. The callback is a long running callback and will exist until unsubscribe
is called.
- delimiter: delimiter
- success: Success callback function that is invoked with the data.
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
// the success callback is called whenever data is received
bluetoothSerial.subscribe('\n', function (data) {
}, failure);
Unsubscribe from a subscription.
bluetoothSerial.unsubscribe(success, failure);
Function unsubscribe
removes any notification added by subscribe
and kills the callback.
- success: Success callback function that is invoked when the connection is successful. [optional]
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
Clears data in the buffer.
bluetoothSerial.clear(success, failure);
Function clear
removes any data from the receive buffer.
- success: Success callback function that is invoked when the connection is successful. [optional]
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
Lists bonded devices
bluetoothSerial.list(success, failure);
Function list
lists the paired Bluetooth devices. The success callback is called with a list of objects.
Example list passed to success callback. See BluetoothDevice and BluetoothClass#getDeviceClass.
"class": 276,
"address": "10:BF:48:CB:00:00",
"name": "Nexus 7"
}, {
"class": 7936,
"address": "00:06:66:4D:00:00",
"name": "RN42"
Function list
lists the discovered Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral. The success callback is called with a list of objects.
Example list passed to success callback for iOS.
"uuid": "CC410A23-2865-F03E-FC6A-4C17E858E11E",
"name": "Biscuit"
- success: Success callback function that is invoked with a list of bonded devices.
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
bluetoothSerial.list(function(devices) {
devices.forEach(function(device) {
}, failure);
Reports the connection status.
bluetoothSerial.isConnected(success, failure);
Function isConnected
calls the success callback when connected to a peer and the failure callback when not connected.
- success: Success callback function, invoked when device connected.
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when device is NOT connected.
function() {
console.log("Bluetooth is connected");
function() {
console.log("Bluetooth is *not* connected");
Reports if bluetooth is enabled.
bluetoothSerial.isEnabled(success, failure);
Function isEnabled
calls the success callback when bluetooth is enabled and the failure callback when bluetooth is not enabled.
- success: Success callback function, invoked when Bluetooth is enabled.
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when Bluetooth is NOT enabled.
function() {
console.log("Bluetooth is enabled");
function() {
console.log("Bluetooth is *not* enabled");
Current development is done with Cordova 3.0.0 on Android 4.x. Theoretically this code runs on PhoneGap 2.9 and greater. It should support Android-10 (2.3.2) and greater, but I only test with Android 4.x.
Development Devices include
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (GT-P7510) with Android 4.0.4 (see Issue #8)
- Google Nexus S with Android 4.1.2
- Nexus 4 with Android 4.2.2
- Samsung Galaxy S4 with Android 4.3
On the Arduino side I test with Sparkfun Mate Silver and the Seeed Studio Bluetooth Shield. The code should be generic and work with most hardware.
NOTE: Currently iOS only works with RedBear Labs BLE Mini Hardware
This plugin was developed with Cordova 3.0 using iOS 6.x on an iPad 4 connecting to a RedBearLab BLEMini.
Ensure that you have update the BLE Mini firmware to at least Biscuit-UART_20130313.bin.
Most of the Bluetooth implementation was borrows from the Bluetooth Chat example in the Android SDK.
The iOS code uses RedBearLab's BLE_Framework.
The API for available, read, readUntil was influenced by the BtSerial Library for Processing for Arduino
If you don't need serial over Bluetooth, try the PhoneGap Bluetooth Plugin for Android
An example a properly formatted mac address is AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
Try the code. If you find an problem or missing feature, file an issue or create a pull request.