php-benchmark is a php framework to messure the performance of functions or class-methods.
Version: 1.0beta1
require_once 'Benchmark/Benchmark.php'
require_once 'Benchmark/Observer/Gui.php'
$benchmark = new Benchmark('benchmark name', 'description of the benchmark');
$benchmark->addTarget(new BenchmarkFunction('name', array(), 'description'));
$benchmark->addTarget(new BenchmarkMethod('MyClass', array(), 'doSomething', array(), 'description));
$benchmark->attach(new Gui());
The php-benchmark is callable by the console php my-benchmark.php
or by loading the script in a browser.
- Sometimes its important, to ensure all methods/functions return the same result.
- Result logging. Sometimes i'd like to know if changes on my function/method improve the performance.
php-benchmark is tested with
- php 5.3.3
- php 5.2.14
I'm sure the files contain programming errors and lots of English language mistakes. Find them and send them to me ;-)
Tom Tomsen <[email protected]>